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Vote For My Next Knife...770 or 941

Dec 12, 2002
I admit it. I am stuck on Benchmades. I love the feel and solidity and smoothness of their designs.
Right now I am looking for a new EDC for work with these requirements:
1.) Slim - I want to be able to put my hand in my pants pocket and not have it accidentally pull the knife out when all I want is the quarter at the bottom of the pocket.
2.) 3" to 3-1/2" blade with thumbstuds.
3.) Pocket clip in BLACK.
4.) Easy to open. At least 1/8" between the thumbstud and the handle when closed. Yeah, I am a klutz I guess.
Thanks for any help.
I'm not sure you can go wrong either way. Both very good knives.., so pick what fits your hand best for an EDC.., and buy it. No one backs there product any better than BM.

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
The 770 is definitely smaller than the 941. Have you considered the 921 Switchback? It is ultra slim, and won't come out of your pocket unless you take it out. I love mine, even better than my 940, which is the same as the 941 except it doesn't have the clip point blade. I never knew how useful a Wharncliffe blade shape really is until I bought my 921. I absolutely love it, and you should really consider adding it to your choices.

I love Benchmade knives, but screw the 921. I'm sorry but it doesn't do anything for me. I have both the 770 and 940 from Benchmade; both are great knives! I would probably take the 940 over the 770, but only by the smallest of margins. I think I would recommend the 705 before either of those two knives. I really like the size of the 705. It is a very rugged knife that uses the full size Axis lock unlike the 770. The 770 is more of a gentlemen's folder than either the 940 or the 705.
The votes have been tallied:

770 = 1 votes

94X = 4 votes

921 = 1 vote for, 1 vote against (921 must be made in Florida!)

I guess that now all I have to do is decide on which member of the 94X family I "need". Thanks.
P.S.---I will check back here later for any additional absentee ballots but the exit polls were strongly 94X!!
I would go with the 941. It's slim and light, but still gives you 3.4" of blade when you need it. The blade shape is more than adequate for utilitarian purposes. It can be carried very easily in a wide variety of ways.

BM made a limited run (500) with a D2 blade and carbon fiber scales and it's a real gem.

Guess you know where I stand on this one.:D
I own the 940 and really like it.
The 940 has a different blade style than the 941.
It's like a functional piece of sculpture - beautiful!
Really easy to use and fun the play with.
I always preferred aluminum over carbon. carbon is a little too light.
Could broaden horizons and look at Spyderco knives too.
Especially for ease of opening.
Since you already have the 705, then get the 941CFD2. It is a D-2 blade surrounded by nice carbon fiber. Top it off with a blue anodized spacer and you have one tasty knife. :D
I will second the vote for the 941D2CF, I just got mine on Friday and it is one of the best knives I have ever handled.
The 942 was my first real EDC and i have never looked back.

Soooo smooth... silky aluminum handles... awesome blade design. Soo unique, you can't go wrong.

just my opinion though.

I seem to recall seeing one on Ebay yesterday. You can also try the Knife Exchange Forum hare and see if anyone is selling one.
Originally posted by WorkForALiving
3.) Pocket clip in BLACK.

Just my thoughts:

I've been wondering these shiny clips a little bit by myself.

I wonder why it's so casual to use them?

To take an example: Sere 2000
(Yes, a great knife otherways, but...)

It has a pocket clip design for most discrete carry. Well, on the other hand it's (while being so bright and shiny) shouting out "here I am" :eek:

Well, nothing is perfect, I quess... :rolleyes:
You can't go wrong with the 921. People have tried to go wrong with it and failed. Even Easyrider's kin know and appreciate the 921.

If you can find and afford a 941D2CF, go for it. The pretty handles and the beautiful D2 go a long way to help make up for it not being a 921. It's clip is more low-key and less likely to wear out your pockets compared to the 921 (don't have a 77x knife yet, so I don't know). Also, carbon-fiber isn't as tough on the hands as the aluminum of the 921 and 941 in cold weather.

Unless you skin animals, though, you'll find that the 921's blade shape and steel-type are more helpful for everyday cutting chores. My 921 outcut my 806D2 when I was opening up sacks of kitty food and kitty litter the other day. Even if you do, the 77x and 941 have barely more belly than the 921.

The 921's handle is designed so your hand won't slip off of the handle or onto the knife or even out of where you're gripping it. It is a production knife with premium S30V steel. That means that you can replace the poor dear if you lose or break it. If you lose a 941D2CF, you're outta-lucko.

My vote is for the 921. Of the two you asked us to vote on :rolleyes: I'd go with the 941.