What makes you a TRUE knife knut?

Sep 1, 2002
Me? I NEVER leave my room without my Delica. Even if it's just to use the bathroom. The only time I leave my room without it is when I have to go to school. So... confessions anyone:D ?
Wanting to make one each of every knife style ever made:D and risking divorce to do it.
Or could be the fact I carry a blade everyday every where I go, except the airport.
Does taking out the Ballistol and oiling all your knives while taking a #2 with your pants around your ankles count?
Cuz that's what i just did.:D
What makes me a knife knut is that I sleep, shower and live with a neck knife of some sort on at all times. Lately it's a CRKT Neck Peck (small, but useful), but sometimes it's a Cold Steel "The Spike." (The Spike is a badass last-ditch blade, i.m.o. NASTY flat-grind triangular blade -- sturdy and weighty.) I also have carried a Spyderco Delica in a kydex neck sheath I got from the defunct Ironstone catalog.

I've read enough stories about people who run into trouble in the course of everyday events like taking the trash to the curb, so I think it's a bad idea to be unarmed at *any* time. I don't go out of the house without something I can use to defend myself, as well as a cellular phone. Nut? No, "realist." I think the nuts are the people who hardly EVER have a knife on them; they're usually the ones begging me for the use of *mine* when they need one. Do they think it's somehow 'noble' to leave oneself at a constant disadvantage?
I really like your assessment of the CS Spike PJ. I have one and couldn't agree more. I'm really surprised at how ungawdly sharp the thing is for as thick as it is.

I guess what makes me a true knife nut is the fact I eat, sleep and dream knives. I've accumulated them for years and have been a hobbyist knifemaker for the last 9 years or so. My love for them has so deepened that my knifemaking hobby this last year has turned into a second career for me. I study knife books and resources in my spare time to help in my knifemaking/collecting and spend an inordinately large amount of time on sites like this one.:) I'm never without at least two knives on me and I do not go anyplace that says I cannot bring my knives with me. If that's not a true knife nut, then it might be another type of mental disorder.:D

All the best,
Mike U.
You know you are a knife knut when someone else (a coworker, friend, etc) needs a knife and immediately thinks of you!
Originally posted by Steven Roos
You know you are a knife knut when someone else (a coworker, friend, etc) needs a knife and immediately thinks of you!

Good to know I'm a knife knut then.:) I was beginning to think that I wasn't one because I don't shower, and sleep with one on.:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Sticky
Does taking out the Ballistol and oiling all your knives while taking a #2 with your pants around your ankles count?
Cuz that's what i just did.:D

Too much information!

I think being a Knife Knut is having a passion for knives and the gaining of knowledge about anything pertaining to knives and also being willing to share that passion with others.
You wanna know what makes a knife-nut?!

I'll tell you... You carry a knife everyday! You oppose and detest "knife laws"! You get annoyed by people saying "That knife is too expensive!" or "Why do you need more then one knife"? Your daily mail (excluding parcels) will be "3rd notice, 3rd Notice, 3rd Notice, Customs Seziure... oooooh 2nd notice!). If your waiting for a knife you will chase every single deleivery truck you see or mailman before he goes postal!

Some think were normal, some think were crazy but were just a bunch of NUTS!!!
How about when you see me wearing my pants, you should expect that I have at least 3 knives on me?
That's probably pretty tame.
When you have to insure your knives because your collection is now worth thousands and not hundreds anymore.
How about when you average about three knives bought a month? Or when you reach into a pocket for a knife and find out you have more than one in your pocket. I have had that happen to me a few times. I would put one knife in my jacket pocket, forget about it in my course of getting ready for the day and pack another knife.
Ever since I got my Sebenza about a month ago, that's been on me practically 24/7. The only time it's not on me is when I'm showering. Yes, I do sleep with the Sebbie clipped to my pocket. If I don't have a folding knife with me (like if I forget to take one while leaving the house, which rarely happens), it's somewhat OK, since I have a Victorinox Swiss Card in my wallet and a Victorinox Tinker on my keychain.
Forgot to add my first intended goal for my knife collection was to have at least one example of each major steel, an example of each handle material and as many different companies as possible for my collection.
You rub some polishing compound on your jeans above the knee because it helps to strop on the field, well that´s more like a sharpening nut, then again being a sharpening nut makes you a knife nut.
Getting some extra cash, and debating on which knife you should buy.