Whats happening! Who stole Jerry!

Apr 6, 2001
Who has stolen Jerry!

I rang again just then 6:35pm Ohio time and I got answering machines! Nice voices on that answering machine mind you :eek: , but, who stole Jerry!

I am in need of some Mojo-fication, and nobody wants to hear me out!

Nobody cares, I feel so lonely...:(

Man, whats a guy got to do to get some justice in this world!
...and the girls are slacking!!!!

They are suppose to work until 6:40!:grumpy:

Kassi! I want my Mojo Variant!
Not a bad idea.....Kidnap Jerry, provide him with plenty of equipment. Make him call Kassi to ship him INFI. Have him work for sushi and CBL. Have him make customs for me and Skunk only. Release him when his creativity has finally been exhausted.

Skunk did suggest it, but only a couple of dozen times.
Y'all keep him down there for a while. Take him fishing or something and keep feeding him beer. Better yet send him out to bury some "Nuclear Payloads" in the southern part of the country.
I don't think my finances can handle another "Lookee what I found buried here at the shop". :D :p :D
Oh yeah..just make sure he emails BB with the list of folks who got the Desert Mofos.


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
Let Jerry go, I still have an custom order to be filled. You and Skunk can do whatever you want to Jerry (no descriptions needed), then throw him back into the world :)
.. . . . down here. . . . in Florida. . . still drinking. . . . Skunk has beer and rum. . . .Marc. . . is the "debbo". . . . I can't remember my name. . . Ate some bad lobster. . . Coney Island is the worst!!!!! . . . don't believe the ads. . . I fell for it. . . not coherent. . . signing off. . . . be home soon. . . enjoy your MoFos. . . Wait 'til you see what's coming!!!!!!

Send more beer and whiskey!!!!!
He sounds drunk and delusional!!!!!

This is not good people, damn you Skunk and Marc!

I want straight grind lines damn it!:grumpy:

Thats it, I'm sending in the troops!

Stinky, you have surrended to 'Treason', and for that there is a price! The PINK pill!
I dunno fellahs, sounds to me like the creative juices are being stirred. I think we had best stand clear and let nature take its course.
Gundy......now listen here! Don't you be getting pushy with me boy! I'll cut off your Infi supply. You ever been around an angry woman working with a grinder? Come on over I'll show you what it's like!
Guys, I'm just joking with gundy............but it sounds convincing doesn't it?!!!!!! LOL!!

Well, it sounds like Jerry is having way too much fun down there. I think we should all go down there and join them. Who's with me?!


I'm with you!
It's go to be warmer there than here!!!
This hitting below 0°F sucks!!!!:eek:
Originally posted by Blade Babe
Gundy......now listen here! Don't you be getting pushy with me boy! I'll cut off your Infi supply. You ever been around an angry woman working with a grinder? Come on over I'll show you what it's like!

Quit while you're ahead, Gundy. Cutting you off from INFI is worse than cutting you off from other things... ;)
My most humble apologies BB!:(

You are beautiful, you are most powerful and please do not 'cut it off!'...:(

I promise to be good from now on...

..or until Jerry gets back then your in deep doodoo! Mwahahahahhahahahaha ! But wait, maybe BB runs the show, maybe BB is....ahhhh...BB is the REAL Jerry!

;) :D
:D :D Send him down to Ft. Lauderdale....it's COLD in the middle of the state. We got beer,we got whiskey,we no gotta snow and the AC's workin fine!!!!:cool: :cool: Did I mention SUN???? Blue skys??? Barbados Rhum??? (Rum to non natives) Sophisticated metal working shops?

BB send about 5,000 lbs of InFi to my address. Marc take 75 South to the Alley,I'll wait for you at the East end. Gotta place in Key Largo~~~~~

:D :D

Hey WET, is Trinidad/Tobago anywhere near there? (I am lazy and do not want to find a map :))...