What's in your pocket today?

Jan 28, 2001
Alright, empty those pockets! What kind of knives/gadgets are you carrying?

Here's mine:
I am carrying light today. I have my Glock 21, Spyderco Jess Horn Micarta PE, keys, Carmex, wallet, and Nokia Cell phone. Thats about it.
Today I have:
THE Wallet
Fred Perrin change wallet
SAK MiniChamp
Spyderco Dragonfly SS
Reeve Decorated small Sebenza
SAK Tinker
10F of 550 paracord
Luminox 3001
P38 Can opener
Streamlight Stylus
Streamlight Batonlite

Carried in my cargo pants and jacket.
What's on the opening hole of the blue Benchmade? I just got a black 555 and find it occasionally hard to hit the hole when opening the knife quickly. It looks like it might assist in doing just that.


That is a zip tie and it does assist in opening the knife. Sorta works like another knife, but I can't remember which.....:confused: :p

Revolvergeek.....I must be behind the times, but what is the black knife on the right?? I like it.
Ok here goes: 551 griptillian plain edge, cuda EDC, arc aaa on breakaway chain and streamlight scorpion in jacket pocket.
BTW, I love that m1-03 How does it feel in the hand? what knife can you compare it to size wise? thanks.

edited to add: Does it use a liner/frame lock? by reading the description on knife center's page I cant really tell.

It feels very good in the hand. It is one of the few knives this size that I have played with that seems to fit in any 'normal' grip (saber, hammer fist edge out, reverse grip edge out).

Due to the guard and the pinky groove, it really doesn't feel like any other knife that I have handled. It is fairly thick, and fairly deep, and really feele more like a fixed blade in the hand.

The blade is ground fairly thin and quite sharp out of the box so it seems to cut very well. I was a little worried about how I would like the modified tanto style blade, but it is cutting like a champ on cardboard and plastic.

It is a liner lock with a pretty thick liner and the LAWKS safety as backup.

I am really impressed with it for the money.
OK, today I'm carrying:

Right pants pocket: large Sebenza

Left pants pocket: Leatherman C4 Juice tool

Right coat pocket: SureFire E1

Left coat pocket: disposable lighter, Panasonic cell phone

Left coat inner breast pocket: wallet, Persol sunglasses

On keychain: Arc AAA, Traser Glow Ring, Victorinox Rambler

Edited to add that I have a Victorinox Pioneer 3 in my left pants pocket, too. It's kinda crowded in there. ;)

- Leatherman Micra

- LRI Photon II, Turquoise

- Bullet Space Pen, Chrome

- Spyderco Delica PE FRN

- Ericsson T66
Spyderco Rescue, disposable lighter, Marlboro light 100s, wallet, keys w/Micra and Mag-lite, SAK Tinker, breathsavers, 2 black uni-ball, 1 ball-point, watch, wedding ring, rudraksha seed mala, 10ga nipple rings.

RF: Emerson Commander, Zippo, Change.

LF: keys, carabiner, photon III.

LB: Spyderco Lum Chinese.

Courier bag: Leatherman PST, books, etc...
  • Photon II White
  • Al Mar Talon Hawk on the keychain
  • Leatherman S2 Storm Juice
  • Black Ice "Cross" Zippo with Tristar Butane Insert
  • Marine Luminox

Missing from Pic: Silver Fisher Bullet, Sears 4 Way Pocket Screwdriver, Small Leather Wallet, Nokia Phone, Titanium Glasses, Black Leather Money Belt with Buck "Gent" Hidden inside.

On keyring:

Small PryBaby

THE Wallet
Surefire G2

Fisher Space Pen Black
Windmill Lighter
BM Levitator
Arc LS
Atwood Model 1 Framelock

I usually also carry a half finished prototype knife so I can contemplate it throughout the day and decide how I want to finish it.
Today I'm going a little light. In my car I've got:

PT Attitude (I didn't know so many other forumites had this light!)
Brinkmann LX
plain black Zippo
safety flares
CRKT Bear Claw
Leatherman Juice Kf4
Brunton Helios

In my pockets:
Fisher space bullet pen
Spyderco Calypso Jr. lw
photon 2 in white
Originally posted by Snow
PT Attitude (I didn't know so many other forumites had this light!)

The PT Attitude has become one of my absolute favourites. So has my new Inova X5T.:D


Emerson Raven
PT Attitude
Blade-Tech Impact Kerambit
CMG Infinity Ultra
Inova X5T