What's the most sheeple unfriendly knife, In your opinion?

Oct 4, 2001
To : ALL

I asked this on Spyderco.com & Spydie.com ( as Spydies have that "menacing" look about them ;)) but there are bound to be others. What's your most fiendish blade that causes a sheeple to fait?( No,No, no "Glocks", "Hecklers", this is KNIVES only!) What say the augerers?

AET ;)
Absolutely the Sifu. It causes panic in the wittle sheeple whenever it's drawn to show a friend.

The Madd Maxx might be a good runner up though.
I gotta tell ya, I was showing the Sifu to a hard core gun and knife fiend, uh, I mean friend, and he said "that is the single most anti-social looking knife I have ever seen!":D
Well, IMO, these days anything big , black, and flashy, trotted out and brandished unnecessarily by those who feel the need to show off.
If I'm around said people they don't GET to see what I'm carrying without good reason.
The Cold Steel Vaquero Grande. That IS one "bad" folder, with its' 6 inch, fully-serrated curved blade...:cool:.

The Ontario/Bagwell Hell's Belle...This is a "Bowie" that's just lookin' for a fight.:eek:.
Folder - R.E.K.A.T. Pocket Hobbit 'cause of the teeth on back of the blade spine.

Fixed - Himalayan Imports Khukuri 20" Sirupati ( 14" blade and 6" handle ) or bigger.

Honorable Mention - Bauchop Alley Cat.
These are right up there...

Strider Tiger

TOPS Tom Brown Tracker

And anything by Pirela Blade Designs

In no particular order:

Spyderco Civilian
Camillus CUDA Mad Maxx
Cold Steel Vaquero Grande
Cold Steel Peacekeeper
all Striders
all Kerambits
Another vote for the REKAT Pocket Hobbit. The top edge scares 'em:eek: But any large knife spooks the sheeple:p
Anything by Steve Ryan...this one will make a Spyderco Civilian wet its pants...


The scariest part about this knife is the price though :(

hawkbill, anything with a black blade, any mega folder. Most sheeple unfriendly that I own? A pair of HI 25" sirupatis:eek: :D

While we all know that they're usless as knives, wandering around the local mall with one of those Gil Hibben designed United Cutlery fantasy thigs would freak most people out more thatn a SIFU IMHO.

If it has to be a folder, I guess a SIFU or a Mad Maxx of about any flavor would freak most sheeple out of their skins. Expecially if opened with a little flourish!

Probably the 1917 knuckle knife. It has a triangular blade that could only be used for running the victim through. To paraphrase Bill Ruger, what honest citizen needs that?