Who's going to the PKA Show in Denver this weekend

Jan 22, 1999
If any of y'all are in the Denver area you don't want to miss this Knife show this weekend. The show will have knife throwing demonstrations and knife forging demos also. And there will be a bunch of beautiful knives there, and alot of great makers. In past years Spyderco has been at the show too. The PKA knife show is in the Holiday Inn on I-70 and Chambers in Aurora. The show starts on Friday at 4pm, Sat.at 9am and Sun. at 9am. I am looking forward to meeting some of the forumites at the knife show, see y'all there.
Chris, Top of Texas Knives


[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 12 August 1999).]
I hope my favorite Texans have a fun and safe trip. If you see any of the forumites, tell 'em all I said hey!


Greg, thanks for the kind words. If I get a chance to see some forumites, I will tell them you said "Hey from Kodiak".
Chris, Top of Texas knives


[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 12 August 1999).]
I sure hope I run into you there David. I will be the fat boy who is wearing a Dallas Cowboy T-shirt and a black Case hat on Friday evening. If you see me be sure and holler at me. I am walking out the door right now, see you there.
Chris, Top of Texas Knives


[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 13 August 1999).]