this is a knife!

crazy nicky

Jun 14, 2002
I got my Green Beret today! What a knife...I can't wait to test this bad boy out. You could say I'm very happy...:p
you call that a knife?!??

THIS is a knife...

Sorry, couldn't resist :D

Congrats on your purchase, I hear it's a great knife :)

Congrats on getting an excellent knife! You will be very pleased with how it handles. A word of caution though, be very careful when resheathing the knife. I just broke the tip off of mine when it hit the the metal post that is screwed into the bottom of the sheath. It seems that it is to "high up" so to speak and doesn't allow for any play between the post and the sheath. This may not be true of all of the sheaths. Mine just happened to be that way. CRK is repairing it free of charge. Gotta' love that customer service!!!
K.V., thanks for that heads up...I haven't been jamming it in yet. I have been slowly sliding it in. This knife feels so good in the hand too... Better than any fixed blade I own. I compared it to my Ka-Bar earlier and it's about the same size...but not even in the same class.
My Blackhawk sheath was too short for my Project 2. The Plastic insert was also too small. I remedied that by making my own insert out of Kydex which was fat enough to friction fit inside the nylon part of the sheath.

Perhaps removing the screw set and wrapping the insert in some tape before shoving it back in will remedy that problem. I like to use sports tape because there's just a little bit of adhesive on the outside of the tape which will help friction.
Originally posted by K.V. Collucci
Congrats on getting an excellent knife! You will be very pleased with how it handles. A word of caution though, be very careful when resheathing the knife. I just broke the tip off of mine when it hit the the metal post that is screwed into the bottom of the sheath. It seems that it is to "high up" so to speak and doesn't allow for any play between the post and the sheath. This may not be true of all of the sheaths. Mine just happened to be that way. CRK is repairing it free of charge. Gotta' love that customer service!!!

I suppose you gotta' love the customer service, but, correct me if I'm wrong (and knowing you guys, I'm sure you will), considering the reputation of this company and the price of the knife, isn't this what could be considered a *serious* design flaw? Or is this just a fluke, with this particular shealth, which would only be a quality control problem? And, even if it is, it's hard to imagine a knife of this quality having a tip that would break that easily. How many people do you know that broke the tip off their knife by inserting it into the sheath that was designed for the knife? Cheap or expensive? Donning Nomex suit. ;-)
with John from Boise. The sheath design flaw is a secondary, though glaring, problem. The real problem is a patently defective knife. If you are in your living room when the tip breaks off, too bad. If you are a Green Beret--or any other soldier for that matter--in the field when the knife fails, you have a real problem on your hands. I would be less worried about the customer service people replacing it and more concerned about a second failure when the chips are down.

That said, if this is a Chris Reeve's knife, I would think it is an anamoly. Chris Reeve makes top quality knives. I would contact him personally and let him know what happened--I am sure he would want to know so that he could remedy the problem ASAP.

In all fairness to CRK the sheath was not designed by them. The sheath is made by Blackhawk and is a standard catalog item. It was not made to anyones specs. So here in lies the problem...Do I have a defective knife or do I have a defective sheath? I would venture to guess that the sheath is the problem. Mind you, a very minute portion of the tip is gone not 1/4" of blade. We're talking a very small but noticeable area. I think this is just a fluke. The tip is (was) very fine on my knife and it would have happened one way or the other. Though I'd like to say that it broke off jabbing it into the neck of bin Laden that is not the case. But things are being taken care of. I shipped the knife back today and I will inquire about it at the end of the week. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
you do not have a defective knife
nor do you have a defective sheath
what you do have is the conjunction of two independently good ideas that don't work well with each other
the BHI sheath is a piece of work
Sorry guys, I just can't resist. Have we contemplated a custom sheath? Being VERY familiar with the CRK product, it seems to me that a tool of that caliber deserves a better housing. I just so happens that I know a guy......
I heard that Chris and Bill are designing a leather sheath for the GB.
I personally like the sheath...but I would LOVE to get something better for it. It's just such a good knife and you want to keep it safe. I love the extra pocket on the BKI sheath. My Leatherman Wave fits perfect in there along with some other goodies. K.V., after you wrote about your tip I measured my knife and then measured in the sheath to so were it was to the screw. I think I'm safe but I won't be jamming it in until I get something better. Do you know when that leather sheath will be coming out?

I will enquire about it tomorrow when I call Bridget to let her know my knife is onthe way.
At that price, the sheath should be great and unless you want a different material, there shouuld be no need for a custom sheath.

If the knife is new and the tip did break off just by re-sheathing, than CRK better not fix it...they should replace the knife. A fine tip should have rolled, not broken off. Either this is the wrong kind of steel for this knife, you've got a screwed up heat treat or it got too hot in the final grind, but good steel shoudn't fracture upon hitting a screw or rivet. Hope it's not a systematic problem.
After hearing what happened to you, I went into my War Room and handled my CRK Green Beret. I slid it in and out, as I had done dozens of times before, and had no problems. I placed the knife against the back of the sheath, and I have at least 9-10MM of distance between the screw and the tip. The sheath appears to be of great fit and finish. It is snug. No rattles at all.

The chipping does concern me though. I am sure it is a fluke. I have heard nothing but good things about Chris Reeve Knives.