You may be an INFI hog if...

Oct 25, 2000
You may be an INFI hog if:
* You can cover your entire bed with INFI
* You wonder if you can stab your knives into the wall and climb them
* You took out an insurance policy on your knives
* You have an EDC rotation
* You lost count of how many blades you own
* Jerry is on your speed dial
* You just receive your latest blade, and immediately start thinking of what to get next

please continue to add.... :D :D
you might be an INFIhog if...
*you are listed by name as an asset on the Busse Combat Knife Co. balance sheet
*Your shippment of INFI exceeds the weight allowance of USPS priority mail (70lbs :eek: )
*your hoard of INFI is so big that it caused a shift in the magnetic polarity of the Earth which has so far resulted in a drought in the Rocky Mountains and the Blizzard of '03 in the Eastern U.S.
*you own so much INFI that PETA pickets outside your house just because they figure with that much of anything some animals must have been hurt somewhere in the making of all that INFI :rolleyes:
if you have lied to your wife or g-friend about purchasing/cost of knives/how much is on your credit card.

if you said "ok, this is the last one", 15 knives ago.
Uh oh!

I've got an insurance policy for my knives, and yeah....he's on speed dial, but only number 3 ;) :D
- Satellites passing overhead in space speed up due to the gravity field exerted by the mass of INFI you've hoarded.

- You have to clear a path through the INFI just to get to the bathroom and you schedule extra time into the trip just to accomodate this activity.

- You have so much INFI that even your dental fillings and artificial hip are etched "Busse Custom Shop".

- You have so much INFI laying around that you can't sleep due to all the light reflecting off your knives in an infinite loop, even after you've turned off the light.

- You have leased a T1 or T3 line straight to the Busse shop for faster internet & phone access to the source.

- Your security system for guarding your INFI makes Ft Knox look about as safe as a wet paper sack.

- Your INFI hoard is worth more than your house & car combined.

- Your life savings, children's college funds, your 401(k) plan, and investments have been totally ransacked and sent to Jerry for more goodies.

- You've hocked either your wife's wedding ring or your wife to buy a Busse new release.

- The people at the blood bank know to simply send the money to the Busse shop rather than hand it to you.

- You've sold relatives you don't even have to get more INFI.

- Your closest friends cross the street when they see you coming to avoid hearing about your latest Busse acquisition.

- Your name appears regularly in this forum with a "pork" or "oink" derivative in it.

- It isn't a question of whether or not you'll get anything Jerry releases (or ever made), but only a questin of how many you can feverishly get your hands on before the other INFI porkers find out about it.

- You have a spreadsheet of all your Busse knives, including who you got them from, when/where/how/why you got them, how much you paid, what number of that model you had at that point in time, and how low your dead body temperature will have to be before you will sell that particular Busse.

- You've sold essential, irreplaceable parts of your body to get more INFI.

- When it came to the Busses in the divorce settlement, you told your ex-spouse that the only way they'd get them was "one at a time, unsheathed, point-first, and with excessive speed and force behind the thrust!"

- You name your dog INFI, your cat MOFO, and try to get your wife to legally change her name to "Battle Mistress". And after she doesn't do it, you'll find out why it would have been really appropriate if she'd gone along with the idea. ;) :D

- You have more INFI value than money (including credit card available balance) on your body at any given instant.

- At the mention of any word that sounds even vaguely like "INFI" or "Busse" your eyes glaze over, you begin to hyperventilate, tremble, sweat, palpitate, your speech facility abandons you, and one hand automatically starts speed-dialing the Busse shop while the other impulsively reaches for your wallet.

- Your shower fixtures or automobile bumper are made of INFI.

- Every time a friend reminds you how hideous you look with all the bald spots & cuts on your hands and arms, you say with great pride, "Got that with a Busse" and he knows better than to ask you which one it was because he doesn't have enough days of vacation accrued to listen to you tell him.

- Whenever Jerry is going to have another batch of INFI made, he calls you to see just how many tons he should get.
Originally posted by RokJok
- You name your dog INFI, your cat MOFO, and try to get your wife to legally change her name to "Battle Mistress". And after she doesn't do it, you'll find out why it would have been really appropriate if she'd gone along with the idea. ;) :D

ROTFLMAO!!!! :) :D :D