"You paid how much for that knife?" and other stupid remarks that people make

Dec 25, 2001
rant begins...

The other day at work, (I work in construction) I whip out my Salsa to cut open some boxes. Fellow co-worker asks what for knife I got.

I show it to him.

He wonders what I paid for it. So I tell him. (now we all know that there are knives that cost way more than an ordinary Salsa)

The guy flips out on me, telling me he saw the same knife at a flea market for $5, that I am throwing my money away, can't see how I'm able to support my family when I blow that much money for a knife, etc, etc, etc.

I take the knife back and walk away.

I guess I was sorta stupid showing it to him in the first place, right??

.... rant over

Tell him to bring the "same knife" from the flea market, and see how well you can make the blade fold on his finger with the lock engaged. Or see how long that edge is going to hold.
I wonder how much this fella is willing to spend on his hobbies or passions? What would he be willing to pay for a good tool?

Does he smoke or drink? Those are things that will cut into a persons ablitity to support their family far more than buying a knife.

I know a guy that ia always surprised at how much I am willing to spend on a knife, but he is into golf. He thinks nothing of paying $20,000 to join a private golf course. He also figures that spending $6000 on a set of golf clubs, or up to $300 for green fees is totally ok, and for that matter so do I if that is your passion; just don't belittle mine.

Just let comments like that roll off your back. In the grand scheme of things his opinion doesn't count for a hill of beans anyway.
Originally posted by Keith Montgomery
...Just let comments like that roll off your back. In the grand scheme of things his opinion doesn't count for a hill of beans anyway.

Exactly! And consider yourself lucky it wasn't a Sebenza. Your friend would then be hearing voices all day and blaming you! ;)
Thanks for the moral support. Everyone spends money somewhere. Some of these guys have piles of money dumped into their cars, game players, computers and so on.

I just so happen to have an interest in knives. Its sad that is so non-PC these days.

T. Erdelyi - I've that more than once.

"ooh, why do you have to carry that" An office co-worker upon seeing my wicked serrated CRICKET. It's my fault for thinking that she might say it was cute. Well it is cute... Never again.:(
It's uncommon for me to get that kinda crap about my knives (since most people don't find them all that commonplace anyway), but my SureFire 6P gets alot of price balks "Dude, it's just a flashlight!", "Why Didn't you just buy a Maglite for $10 instead?", "I've got a maglite that's just as good for only $10" and so on and so on.

I need to get one of those HA Surefires so I can saw thru these bozo's maglites with it :)
Dont forget the "Croc Dundee" comments. Always somebody has to say "Thats not a knife.....". Then they crack up laughing as though they are the first person to think it up.
In regards to the price thing.... shouldn't a guy who works in construction understand buying quality tools? I can go to the fairgrounds on the right weekend and buy a knockoff of every tool I have for less than half of what I have invested, and down the road I wouldn't have much more than broken tools. Buy quality and you only cry once.

Other stupid comments:
That things WICKED!
What do you have THAT for?
Do you HAVE to BRING THAT here?
Who you gonna kill?
Watch out for him!
.... and the list goes on and on and on.
When I consider that some people will pay $2000+ for a baseball card, a diamond, or $5/day on cigarettes, I think my knife $ spending habit is very reasonable.
"Gosh. . .that thing is sharp enough to cut a limb off !"

My response, "Get real. Besides, no limbs. . .only stumps. Like the one above your shoulders."

Yeah. . .I know. . .I'm a dick. But you should have seen the look on his face. :D

And he no longer pesters me. :D
Yeah, I hate that. I was at a gun show not long ago and happened to be looking at the knives that a dealer had. A guy, about 20 years old, and an older guy who was probably his father, were looking at a bunch of Benchmades. The "kid" was enthusiastic about the Benchmades and was showing his dad about how good his was. The dad, who was smoking in the middle of the gun show, shook his head in disgust at the cost of them and said, "Well, that's the difference between you and me...I wouldn't spend that much money on a knife!". I just had to shake my head in disgust. I really should have said something, but it wasn't my place to do so. Judging from the way the guy was chain-smoking, he probably spent a couple of thousand dollars a year on his filthy habit. What a piece of trash to mouth that comment! I can get SOME money out of a used knife but all he'll ever get out of his habit is lung cancer...and good riddance!
Everything mentioned above sounds familiar, and I don't even buy knives that are very expensive by our standards. Another annoying thing is when people think that any one-hand opener is a "switchblade" and is illegal. I get tired of defending my choice of tool sometimes.
I try to keep my working knives in the $50 to $200 range and, yes, my co-workers gasp that I would pay that much but they really flip out when I tell 'em that I bought two and put one away.
One fella brought in his new Delica flea market knock off and told me what a fool I was but by the end of the week it was in pieces.
When I show a new knife to the guys at the bar they always say " Man! You could cut somebody up with that thing!"
I was carring a $2 pocket knife in the third grade. Somebody even wrote in my high school yearbook about playing mumbly-peg in the back of the classroom.
My father just gave me back a Case kitchen knife I gave him years ago and happily replaced it with a $45 set of 20 serrated crap knives 'cause they say right on the box that it, "Never needs sharpening", like that pesky Case did.
My father just gave me back a Case kitchen knife I gave him years ago and happily replaced it with a $45 set of 20 serrated crap knives 'cause they say right on the box that it, "Never needs sharpening", like that pesky Case did.

That really ticks me off. My parents have always had just kitchen knives. I got my Dad some Spyderco kitchen knives, and within a week my Mom had sliced herself up with both of them, and complained it was because they were too sharp!
I feel the need to chime in here. As knife carriers, we all come up against fear and criticism... sometimes every day.

We all ought to use these... questions as an opportunity to inform more people of the use and utiliy of knives. I give knives to many people over the course of the year as a way of both broading t people's mindset, AND because I fand them sooooo darn useful... and I want others to share that utility and shed thier fear.

As to those who talk about $5 knives... You get what you pay for. I have gone through probably 20 cheap, crappy, pathetick knives before I smartened up and figured out that paying even $40 ONCE was a big savings in time, money, and safety. I see knockoffs of my favorite knives all the time... I try them out... and laugh. My knives hold an EGDE... the cheap ones just hold... together...

Anywho- I like to remind the fearful that EVERYTHING on their person, from the hair on their heads to thier toes... the watch on their wrist to the cloth in their clothes... EVERYTHING was in some way fashioned/made/affected by a sharp edge. Even the food they eat was grown most likely using some kind of plow- which cuts the soil. Darned silly to be so afraid of my three inch cutting tool...

I feel like a knife evangelist sometimes... Sorry- didn't mean to talk too long... I'll go quietly now...

Don't worry about it! I've taken 15" Bowies as well as 3 3/4" miniatures to work to interested people and always get the same thing...'What's something like that go for?'; 'What do you plan on using that for?'; 'Isn't that cute, is it sharp?'; 'My God, you spent a week's pay for a knife?'; 'Now that's a knife I like!'; 'Is that legal?'; 'I'm going hunting next week; you think I could borrow this?'; 'These are beautiful! I'd love to collect knives as my hobby, but I got 2 kids going to college in 2 years!'. These are all actual responses I've received & my co-workers always ask me: Any new knives you can show us? I agree with what has been stated earlier - what you spend on your hobby is all relative to other hobbies. Whatever gives you enjoyment & pushes the stress out of your life! Enjoy! :D
Yup I smell what you all are stepping in. "I bought this at Wally Word for $15 You paid how much for that Benchmade?" OK let's see what it looks like in a few years of hard use.....or 1 deer.:p
At work, about to cut up a hunk of cheddar that wasn't responding to the buyers plastic knife...the remark was:
"Is that clean?"

:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: