"Amazing Ink Contest" . . . "How To Enter Rules" Clarification . . . ..

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
There appears to have been some confusion over the rules of the Amazing Ink Contest.

So, for clarity, here is a better explanation.

If you have already entered, we will discard your previous entries.

Here are the rules:

You must be on our mailing list for our newsletter prior to the beginning of the contest. If not, you are not qualified to participate in this contest.

You only get 5 entries. In your entry you must include EVERY employee listed along with which tattoos you believe belong to that employee.

For example:

Employee------ Tattoos

Waz----------- No Tattoo
Garth---------- U
Pokey--------- W
Shwa---------- Y
Beef----------- Z
Lora----------- R, S
Lexi----------- T
Yvonne------- V
Shorty-------- X

You can only match each tattoo to one employee per entry. In other words, you can't list tattoo "B" for every employee in a single entry etc. . . .

If you send more than 5 entries, we will only take your first five. The person with the most correct matches wins. There will only be ONE winner. In case of a tie, the winner will be the person with the most correct guesses whose email we received first.

You must send your entry via email to pokey@bussecombat.com

You must match the correct tattoo/tattoos to the employee who you believe it/they belongs to. Most employees have more than one tattoo. AND there is one employee that we have included who has none!

You must include your real name and address with your entry. If you do not, you will be disqualified.

We will accept entries for the next 7 days.

Good luck!
