Attention Lurkers Yes , You there!!

30 members and 19 guests right now. This is the third or 4th most popular forum on BF. I can see why :)
I'm not lurking, just the quiet nut job with the hammer by the fire.


Scott....did you use that pocket scalpel yet?
Hey i resemble that remark !
i stop by once a day before i begin work , check out what is going on and unless something goes un answered i keep my big mouth shut .

momma always said unless i have something nice to say/add to keep my opinions to myself .
Maybe someday i i can make one of the shows you guy's attend but they are usually on the wrong side of the country :)
Hello from part time bladesmith and uniformed professional lurker. On breaks from arresting cats and two legged lawbreakers, I find lurking here to my taste. Been cutting myself with my own stuff since the eighties.
Just signed on, 20 members and 10 guests. You're right Mark, I've noticed alot more traffic here lately. All you lurkers, don't be shy, join in. There's alot to learn, just ask. :D
Larry, I haven't been able to get out to hunt, been busting my hump getting ready for the Chesapeake show. I'm working on nine knives. Mostly handle and sheath work. Been busy at work. This is the real busy time in the grocery business. Humping cranberry sauce, yams, canned vegtables and all the other stuff for Thanksgiving. OOOHH my aching back :eek: :eek: Starting Friday, vacation until Dec. 4 :D :D Plenty of time to hunt. :D
I have an old computer running it takes a long pharquing time to reply. Mostly I just read and keep up.
Sorry didn't mean to lurk.
P.S.And I have been in the shop a lot. Actually got a good piece of advice from a guy in Atlanta this year. He had read one of my rants and remembered me...he said "Get the hell off the computer and make some knives." SO that's what I am doing.
Guess I'm a semi lurker nowadays!
Shoot, I don't even have my KnifeMaker title.
Guess I better get the money order sent in.
I guess technically I'm not a knife maker. It's been so long since I made one I can't even remember makin it. I feel so empty.
Lord I pray this goes away soon!
I'd be careful what I asked him to do, Joe. Being one of those scumbag biker types he'll do almost anything and enjoy it thoroughly.....
Is that a jar of Relish tied on the bars?
fitzo said:
I'd be careful what I asked him to do, Joe. Being one of those scumbag biker types he'll do almost anything and enjoy it thoroughly.....
Fatzo:I do not eat crap I step on it, so the next time I see Cheesel I'll have to walk across his chest. :D :D More than likely I'll have to throw out my boots after that walk because of the smell. Those Portugees really stink. :eek: :eek:
wardn1 said:
You just have to buy me enough beer, and I'll start talkin'. :D

there you go,, there's always a way to get to get gab going :D
if you go to one of our Necka
Hammer-in's you won't tstop talking.. :D
gimmy-ah beer :D
man 2 years and you have like 15 post.. you are quite
you must not drink much do you :D
indian george said:
Those Portugees really stink. :eek: :eek:

George, I just can't answer that one. Three times I erased a reply. ;)

Poor Joe. :D

Thanks for the laff!