December ends the year with shark attacks that all trolls fear!

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Esav Benyamin

Apr 6, 2000
Trolls of December swim in ice water as sharks circle in beginning the slaughter.

rowleytyrese - 10 posts Deleted Posts as Spam!

Apple121 - 1 post Deleted Post as Spam!
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daren6 - bicycle spammer spinning his wheels in the ocean depths - planked by rycen.
Cleaverfever - return of broadstreetbully, etc. Garth Reckner banned him :thumbup:
rprocter - Trolling, mod sass, failure to act in a socially acceptable fashion. Many instances were overlooked but finally it comes to this unfortunate conclusion.
Blade Bandits - Return of previously banned Andrew Kunz. Same old story of scamming but with different business and username. Fed to the sharks by RevDevil
Cofadon- Failure to complete deals. Failure to make contact with members/mods in a timely manner.
Failure to meet his obligations or do the right thing.
SGTCUTS: Failure to uphold his end of an exchange.
bamboobiscuit: Meltdown...Don't take what he's taking.
Nos4a2 - Mod sass & major trolling through BF email. Pretty obviously also a return of Cleaverfever AKA broadstreetbully / bakedblade / EmEfer / krausshauss, etc. as Jaxx suggested.
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