Double Posting

Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
What's with all the double posting lately. I have had a significant number of posts double the last several days. Even the ones that post OK take a while to post up while the arrow spins and spins. I have noticed quite a few other members having the same problem.
I've been hit with the same problem. After a while, it's almost more trouble to delete the extra post.
Yeah, in one case I edited the redundant post to say, "double post", ...and that double posted.
The issue is getting worse, not better. It happens from three different computers in different locations. Others have contacted me about this, too. Any idea what is causing it??????

I had one yesterday that printed the second post in a different line spacing than the one above it. Like the below example:

First post:
I had one yesterday that printed the second post in a different line spacing than the one above it. The issue is getting worse, not better. It happens from three different computers in different locations. Others have contacted me about this, too. Any idea what is causing it??????

Second "double" post:
I had one yesterday that printed the second post in a different line spacing than the one above it. The issue is getting worse, not better. It happens from three different computers in different locations.
Others have contacted me about this, too.
Any idea what is causing it??????
I believe I would be speaking for a lot of people when I say it makes me feel better knowing that it happens to all of you too! :)

I have noticed a few issues re page loading times, timing out etc; I wonder if it could be related?
It's a recurring issue; I've seen it here a few times over the years.

Often Firefox will give a warning about trying to browse away from the page, after you have posted, while the server is trying to take you back to the thread. It's doing that now along with the double posts.
Has anyone informed Spark of this problem?
I'm getting pretty damn sick of having every friggin post I make being doubled and having to delete the extra.
Add to it the timeouts, database errors and 404 errors and it's just plain frustrating.....
Has anyone informed Spark of this problem?
I'm getting pretty damn sick of having every friggin post I make being doubled and having to delete the extra.
Add to it the timeouts, database errors and 404 errors and it's just plain frustrating.....
I seem to have lost the double posts but still mostly get the "leaving this page" warning.
Has anyone informed Spark of this problem?
I'm getting pretty damn sick of having every friggin post I make being doubled and having to delete the extra.
Add to it the timeouts, database errors and 404 errors and it's just plain frustrating.....

Yeah it's kind of like wading through molasses for days now. I've managed to avoid the double posts, but I'm plagued by the rest of it.
I have found a way to stop it!

When I click the "POST REPLY" tab and the arrow just spins, I know what is coming.
When the window opens saying "DO YOU WANT TO LEVE THIS PAGE", I click NO.
Then I hit "REFRESH" on my browser bar.
A window opens again asking "DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE THIS PAGE", and I click, "YES". .....the page will refresh with only one post.

It is still annoying to have the delay, but at least there is no double post.
I use Firefox or chrome and click yes to leave the page when I get the pop up notification. no double posts that I know of so far. instead, I get the 60 second between posts page.
I'll sometimes get a warning that I have to wait for 60 seconds between each post. This warning has come up a lot more frequently lately. It seems to stop me from double posting.