DPX folder by Christmas? Order cancel?

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Dec 7, 2010
I ordered two of the DPX/HEST folders for Christmas presents, will I still be receiving these in time for Xmas or should I cancel the order and go buy something else?

My personal opinion... this was a really horrible time to announce this change, with the holidays right around the corner and people spending money with your companies for the holidays. From what I have read both companies make great knifes but this will surely shake my confidence in your customer service if you allow this to disrupt your original estimated ship date. please don't let me and I'm sure a few other first time buyers of your products down, as I definitely had my eye on some other products from you and money to spend.

Sincerely, jon
I can personally assure you that the split will not effect the shipping date. If it's late or on time, it will have nothing to do with the minor paperwork change that happened today.
-nothing to buy because I'm not selling anything just stating my opinion, this will be my first knife from them, got myself one and my pops one for Xmas was really looking forward to seeing his face when he got it because he is a knife junkie like me.

-first time posting long time reader

-thanks for the re-assurance shotgunner I hope you are right, I have been looking at this knife for a few months now, really got my hopes up.
You can also see post #12 in the following thread for HEST/Christmas info.


The truth is I'd also really love to have the knife before Christmas. The other truth is that absolutely nothing will change if I don't have it before Christmas. I'll still get to enjoy my family, see smiles on my kids faces, eat plenty of great food and sleep in a warm comfy bed.

As I understand it, RYP and crew are all human and, as a human myself, I can attest to shit happening. I imagine the next few weeks are going to be fairly nuts for RYP.

Reflexred, I'll keep my fingers crossed for us!
Buy any other ESEE knife and you'll see there worth the wait!In manufacturing dates get shifted from one thing or another it's not to ruin anyone's day it happens especially when quality control is of most importance's,or they maybe out when they hope to.whatever you decide I'm sure ESEE will be accommodating,Jeff & Mike are top shelf! and have gone far and above for customer satisfaction! why do I carry three ESEE's as edc's? is there something wrong with me? maybe, it's because there worth it and begged to be used!you can;t have just one! If I were you and there was a delay I'd wait! and that's from the heart!
now that I have read what all that happened ,I say even more you'll have your knives in time! relax.
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Fantastic points sdg..and I agree Christmas is about family and friends, cool new toys are just an added bonus, my fingers are crossed as well.
Buy any other ESEE knife and you'll see there worth the wait!

Now that, sir, is a great idea! I was already considering a fixed HEST simply because the ESEE version will no longer be available after a while.
Anyone wanna take bets how long before someone accuses me of a second account?

My advice to you, RUN!

Paranoid????:confused: Has there been any money made on that bet yet? The thought of someone starting a second account didn't cross my mind. I think any man out here should post from their "only" account if they have something to say.......even if others may not agree with it. No need for a second secret account.:D
Unfortunately, tis the life of "sprint" or newly made knives. Production gets pushed back all the time. Look at spyderco and some of their sprints. The M4 military sprint run that was half ti half g10 with m4 steel was in pre order for over a year plus or minus some [in actuality I think it was pushed back a couple months], and pushed back. Look at their paramilitary 2 that was out, what early summer? but they have been out of stock still. So I'm just saying, a company as big as Spyderco whom specializes more on folders has a lot of set backs and production delays. I wouldn't find it uncommon to find that Esee/DPX whom does not, persay specialize in folders [more so fixed blades], would have some production delays. For these things, you gotta go into it knowing that a push back is a definite reality. I would rather wait 2 more months on a perfect knife, than have them push and push and push to get this knife out with subpar QC, or things that may be looked over. Not that Esee would, because I absolutely love the quality and care they put into their knives [proud owner of the junglas, hest folder for over 3-4? months I forget, and a RC 4 for about 6 months before giving it away to a good friend who needed it]. just my 2 cents mate. I mean I understand where your coming from, and most people do; especially during the holiday season when you want to get the presents in a timely manner for that specified day. But its out of our hands, and its not for them to blame or to write their company off as a whole because of this. Because if you do, I think you will be missing out on some really high quality special knives, albeit they are more slated towards fixed blades.
Gianni tells me the LE's are ready next week so we are still on schedule as per our original estimate, Regular production shortly thereafter. Shipping to dealers, and them getting them out to customers may bump into the holidays but be assured everyone at Lion Steel and DPx Gear is on the 24/7 clock.
Paranoid????:confused: Has there been any money made on that bet yet? The thought of someone starting a second account didn't cross my mind. I think any man out here should post from their "only" account if they have something to say.......even if others may not agree with it. No need for a second secret account.:D

I have 7 accounts, one for each of my multiple personalities:D. I have even gotten in arguments with myself over certain threads:eek:. I am so mad at what my other personality posted this morning that I am now going to go kick his ass.

Whitty (I think)
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