Gear for the kid or a study in why I haz two of...........

Bill Siegle

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 3, 2000
Ok not gear specific but gear wife has been known to question why I have multiples of a lot of my gear. Well this weekend it payed off in spades :) My son is heading out for his first hike with the Boy Scouts and my wife shows me this gear list and says we need to buy a few things. I have her read the list and go "shopping" in my War Room. Turns out all that needed buying was a kid sized pack(REI Passage 65) and some new Scout uniform socks and shorts :) I also used the occasion to sort out some unused gear and trade it in at a local company called Next Adventure. They sell a lot of cool new and used gear. Got a new 1st aid kit and a few other fun things. My wife had asked me about some of the gear I was setting out for Billy as some of it is spensive but I know what works and Billy will use the same quality I use. The 1 true extravagance was his new pack. I did 4 years of Infantry with a crappy I'll fitting Alice pack. We went looking for a usable but cheaper kids pack but well, they just sucked! Off to REI and let's look at the "best". turns out they have a Cadillac in their Passage 65. It's a real pack that is supper adjustable to fit our tall skinny kid. It will grow with him till he is about 6 foot tall and it looks rugged enough to last that long. It was spendy at $149 but I will get some back when their next sale comes up in about a week. Also I really want my son to enjoy hiking and a well fit pack is a major factor in trail comfort. So anyway I guess my point is, don't bogart the good gear :D Kids and even wives like the good stuff too :)
bill is right on with the equipment, get the best for your children & wife so their outdoor trips wo'nt be a outting with misery.---dennis
Your Backpack,Sleeping Bag and your Boots are the 3 things NO ONE should try to save money on-as failure of any of them can ruin your trip--or worse
yeah, I hate seeing folks stick cheap crap on their kids...then wonder why they don't like hunting, fishing and camping. but, Hey! I like my ALICE pack! LOL
Billy's got a good dad. Good on ya, Bill. :thumbup:
I fully agree. Get your kids/partner good gear. I think the corollary to this for me was to get more into lightweight gear. When I'm out with buddies or solo I can go light, but with my girlfriend I can mule some of her stuff. Gotta do what it takes for some dirt time!
6ft and its his first Scout Hike??? Thats a tall kid! Good luck with his gear and enjoy the Scouting trips.
Great job Bill!!! BTW, spendy for a pack starts around $375 and goes up from there to somewhere around $1,300 (some full-dyneema fabric pack) - sorta cheap compared to some prices i've seen for other things folks 'round here "collect".

Also, a little old-school mountaineering trick..... Buy some McNetts "SeamGrip" (1 tube should do) and coat the bottom of yer son's pack (especially on the perimeter of the bottom and any/all seams therein) and let it set up. He'll then be able to drag it across all kinds of rocky ground and *never* wear out the fabric (as kids often do....).
Well he is back from his 1st trip and everything worked out great! He had fun and his gear fit him and worked! The Scout Leader said there were no whines and Billy was comfortable the whole way. By the way, Billy isn't a 6footer yet........his pack will expand to fit him when he is though :) What surprises me most is now the wife is hinting she may need some hiking gear too :D I am willing if she's serious!
Good for you Bill! Too many wife's and kids are put off camping and bushcraft because their kit is rubbish. A true woodsman appreciates the value of his kit and understands the use and limitation inherent to them.

I take my hat off to dads (and moms) who still take the time to share some skills with their kids.

Cheers from Africa!
Good on ya mate! I never skimp on gear especially a pack which can make or break hikes and hunts due to comfort. Plus quality means longer life and it wont break down after a year or two of use. I bought my wife all expensive gear and after last season she understands why.