Help Doc! She has spots and complains of ringing in her ears and halucinations.

Man alive, I want a 300 # anvil (actually the 85#er is pretty cool too) and I wanna come down and pound on red hot metal stuff, just so I can play with all those neat toys.
Awesome Doc! Thanks sincerely for all this good info. Hate it when BF eats all your hard work. I got to where If I write anything of any length i write it in a word document or something off the forum and copy it into the reply box. That way if the forum goes freeky you always have it saved up.

Monkey tools are next! Heres what I got so far. Just need some handles. I really need a good straight pein tho.


I got me an leather apron, Still working on forge parts.


For outside coal forge ill use a steel rim till i can make something better. I got some pipe to to plumb a blower and ash drop.


And an indoor gas forge made from a milk can im thinking might work. Ill fill it with a mix of pearlite, aluminum powder and sodium silicate for the insulation and plumb a burner or two into it. Should work?
I have one set of tongs. Ill eventually get there. If I were to buy a bunch of stock for making tongs would it be easier to buy a bunch of round stock? I have read that the hi carbon steel is not the best. Id like to get some material to make a few more pairs at least. After monkey tools of course. Im studying what you got here and will take a while to suck it up.
Ive seen a few post vise around my parts for a good price so if I see one of them ill grab one. More work than I have time but ill get there in time. Thanks again Doc:thumbup:
Hmm Not sure what other "projects" you got going on KamiDog, But with knife making you seem to be embarking on probably not a ton of tenons to do? THough if you need them I guess they wouldn't be too tough to make for yourself. Though the square ones might be tougher to cut than the rounds that you could probably do on a drill press. Hmm now I am trying to think of how to cut a square monkey tool... Might be a challenge at that.
Oh they are all knife related Shavru. Grinder, forge, etc. If I cant make a knife with it i dont need it:D
I do envy you your ability to buy and use knifemaking equipment. I bought five bars of stock, four D2 and one O1 in expectation of having access to equipment. That was some time ago, and I have yet to have access to the equipment to make the bars into something fun.
I still have 10-13 feet of Danish sword steel laying around. That t'weren't cheap, either.
I still have 10-13 feet of Danish sword steel laying around. That t'weren't cheap, either.

Ouch. I have less than $100 worth of steel lying around. And it turns out the guy who I was planning on doing this with can probably get his grandpa's old grinder and put new wheels on it. Then we can send the stuff off to be heat treated.
What's Danish Sword steel look like? square or rectangle. And is 10-13 ft all in one piece or what length do it normally come in.

I'm just dumber than a box of rocks when we talk about steel and stuff but curioius as all get out on some of this stuff.

I was just thinking the bright side to pounding on red hot stuff is your thumb is never ever and I mean never in the way of the hammer.

When I was working construction, for one outfit I worked with the bosse's brother. I could write a book about that kid but we got along after a few life lessons I shall divulge at another time. Anyhow framing we used these pretty good sized waffle faced hammers, worked real good at not slipping off the nail head. But lord help ya if you hit your hand or any flesh, just tenderize you something fierce.
We'll being the bosses's brother he was assigned to drive the tool truck which was just a cube, had more tools in my van than he did but he also had the credit card to pick up incidentals and since he usually picked stuff up, he was always getting stuff for hissself while he was there.

One day I see him off just a pounding on a cement curb so I asked what in tarnation was he doing and what did that curb ever do to you to deserve that. Well he just got him a new hammer and didn't want to tenderize himself so he was beating down the waffle face, fool kid!

After that he'd get him a new hammer and swap me, why he didn't just get a smooth face never accured to him apparently.

Sometimes your the hammer and sometimes your the nail.
Wow Bookie, I know about Sweden steel made at Lapphyttan and Vinarhyttan, swedish powder steel and German steels, Bessemer and Open Hearth and Electric Arc furnace processes. Speigeleisen and Thomas basic (limestoning to draw phosphorous), decarburize and crucible steel making but... What is the uniqueness to Danish steel? I know I LOVE their axes but I don't know anything about their steel and now I am dead sure curious. I am going to have to read up on how it is made compared to all the ones I know.

Dang it no matter what I know, I know there is SO much more to find out. This curious old cat will never catch up to you in knowledge, but I sure will know more tomorrow than I do right now and each day in my future!
Shavru you been a speaking in tongues lately, you get a fever or anything?
Where do you come up with all these long hard to spell foreign words not associated with something to eat raw or cooked anyhow.

If you gotta lot to learn, well the just ain't time enough for me to try and ketchup ya know, ketchup?, fool, nobody puts ketchup on a hot dog, I mean nobody.
Dai Uy, I have no idea what is in Danish steel or how they make it or if it's just a fancy name for WWII sunken German U Boot salvage. I know that my Master used it and said I should get some. I do know it's tough stuff and you've seen the photos I posted some time ago of a sværd and Danish ax head under construction.

Bawanna, the steel comes in about 10 foot minimum lengths. It's very similar to 1/4" X 1 1/2" in size and looks like hot rolled. It does hold an edge!
ketchup ya know, ketchup?, fool, nobody puts ketchup on a hot dog, I mean nobody.
hehe, I actually just used about half a bottle making the redsauce to cover the meatloaf last night. turned out too sweet dang it :( I am NOT one of the world's better cooks. I can eat like nobodies business but the ingredients and I always seem to be at war when I am cooking. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, occasionally it turns into a negotiation for armistic with no apparent winner :D

Bac Si, That seems like a great reason, Can't think of a better! But I am curious now, so I am gonna have to do some research and figure out why he used it and what it's properties are. Betting it has been around a lot longer than Uboats though I will find out LOL.
hehe, I actually just used about half a bottle making the redsauce to cover the meatloaf last night. turned out too sweet dang it :( I am NOT one of the world's better cooks. I can eat like nobodies business but the ingredients and I always seem to be at war when I am cooking. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, occasionally it turns into a negotiation for armistic with no apparent winner :D

Bac Si, That seems like a great reason, Can't think of a better! But I am curious now, so I am gonna have to do some research and figure out why he used it and what it's properties are. Betting it has been around a lot longer than Uboats though I will find out LOL.

I am sure your meatloaf is delicious Shav. MMMMMM meatloaf :D
One more step to a forge complete. The wood stove just aint getting it. Today I finished up a propane burner for the gas forge. Its one of them internet burners ideas but with a few of my own mods to make it adjustable and perform better. Im pretty sure I can make it work. We gonna have some hot dogs:D


Its made with a piece of 3/4 inch X 12" and a reducer on the end for a nozzle. Drill a bunch of 1/2" holes to pull air and plumb a mig welder tip through the middle for gas delivery. Set screws hold the internal assembly in place and can be used to align the propane jet to the center. I put a sleeve over the pipe so I can adjust the airflow if needed and it was needed. The whole idea is to keep a laminar flow of gas through the tube and mix with the right amount of air for a good hot consistent flame. I used one of them 1 pound camp cylinder adapters so I can connect up to my propane tree (also home made). Hopefully this will work and I can make me a Khukri:D


Heres the mig tip lined in the tube. I also cut a taper on it to help smooth out the flow.


I also machined out the threads and cut a taper inside to improve the flow.


Time to fire it up and make some adjustments. Cant see the flame very well so out go the lights.


After burning off the machine oil and fingerprints etc. and playing with the air adjustment I finally got a reliable flame with the propane needle valve wide open and I still have plenty of air adjustment available so If a larger orifice (mig tip) is needed for more propane delivery then I can do it. Time to build the forge.
Just remember, Grasshopper. If you are doing something important....propane removes carbon from the steel and weakens it.........actually, you make me think of a mad scientist.....
Ack Accounting jokes and it ain't even April 15th yet :D

LOL was funny though!

hmm, so then is a good COAL fire is preferred? Adds carbon instead of removing? I see all sorts of those little propane forges on the internet. So I am guessing they are kind of the Mickey D's of the forges. Quick but not exactly nutritious?
I need to hang out more in the Hammer and tongs section of the forums but that seems weird to me that carbon would be reduced by one kind of hydrocarbon and not another? What mechanism would leach out carbon using propane? Just doesn't make sense to me. Guess thats why your the doc. Not calling you a liar mind you. Im just a dumb grasshopper.

Im figuring it would be quick for a small part or little jobs so im working on a coal/charcoal alongside this one for larger jobs. More than likely when I start forging Ill be doing more than one part. I already have a pile of stuff ready to play with. Still need some monkey tools. Im noticing cross pein are a dime a dozen in every degree of quality but straight pein are not very common at all and almost special order. Some suppliers dont even list them? Rounding hammers seem to be the choice of many. Lots to learn.
Oh... I forgot to tell you. I am a mad scientist:D

1040ez goes in the wood stove btw.
Ack Accounting jokes and it ain't even April 15th yet :D

LOL was funny though!

hmm, so then is a good COAL fire is preferred? Adds carbon instead of removing? I see all sorts of those little propane forges on the internet. So I am guessing they are kind of the Mickey D's of the forges. Quick but not exactly nutritious?

You know, I still have to get my return together. I'm not in a taxable bracket, and I want my money back. For one thing I may need that money since I did design the Scara Suga and I did speak for one of the Welsh Trench Swords/Smatchets.