Homage or Plagiarism?

...Ralf's best friend is Norton... and he works in the sewer... Don't take it all to heart....
I think it's a ban the bomb statement. :)

Sausalito is not exactly a hotbed of conservative ideology. :)
I think it's a stop-motion shot of what John does when his GF is out of town... :D
I must say Mick. You were very nice there. Also he would have gotten a lot worse in person or maybe he would have A LITTLE MORE TACT in person. Well not to beat a dead horse but they are made of metal aren't they????
Damn . . . don't look for a day or two and see what happens.

Tom to answer your question, it's a "Red Lion Fish", or more commonly called in your area, a "Turkey Fish" I believe.
Wow! That's a fish? OH! Now I see it. LOL!

To be honest, I thought it was a stop-motion of a hand flipping a balisong. The spines were the blurred handles, etc.... guess I need new glasses