Horton Knives....Official,, Dog/Cat/Pet thread.

sorry again bear :(

So where are those pups? I'll take the runt!:D That's all I have ever had
Yeah - It"s Hell but I beat the Devil before and I'll beat his Azz Again - I'm the MOFO they warned the MOFO about
I like it. Without Blood, Sweat, and Tears; life cannot be completely appreciated.
That is the cutest puppy I've seen in a long time, momma is goin puppy crazy on me.

Way to go Sleeve, you are back in the game, hanging your heart out again, the only way to go. Thanks for sharing your joy!
LOL - life is funny. I sse this as an opportunity for a new friend - the wifey sees it as an opportunity to travel and see the world - :D so I ordered a new set of Encyclopedias for her ;)

That is good stuff. The world will always be here...that is until the Sun turns into a brown dwarf or whatever it does when it burns out. However, that pup you will rescue has but a finite lifespan.
That is good stuff. The world will always be here...that is until the Sun turns into a brown dwarf or whatever it does when it burns out. However, that pup you will rescue has but a finite lifespan.

The quality of life you experience with friends will take you places most men will never ever travel to