My Latest Bowie (in awhile)

Oct 28, 1999
I took about a one and a half year hiatus from grinding anything....but I finally have my shop all back together and this is the first knife built from the ground up in my new shop.

Of course, it is Bagwell inspired. It is semi-forged 01 toolsteel...differentially treated. The blade is 10". The grip is cocobolo.

I made the sheath out of some thick pigskin.

I've been bitten by the "bug" again!!

<img src=>
Man, you bit back! That bowie is all business. Beautiful finish, and I love those big pins on the coffin handle.


Nice job! Bagwell could be proud of that one.

AKTI #A000356
Wowsers!!! Gorgeous knife and very nice sheath!! I really like the simple lines of the sheath. Are the pins copper?? Man, maybe I should take an 18 month break?? Nawwwweeeeee!

Oh yeah, How do you guys do those ferruls?? Are they butted against the handle or collared???
Take care!! Michael

Always think of your fellow knife makers as partners in the search for the perfect blade, not as people trying to compete with you and your work!
I currently don't have a web site but am working on one.
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms!!!

[This message has been edited by L6STEEL (edited 04-28-2001).]
The ferrule is butted against the guard. I had to rough out the octagonal shape before assembly since it sits up against the guard....then when the grip material was added, the handle was shaped to contour with the ferrule.

The handle pins are solid brass...brass tacks actually.

The frog on the sheath is a small brass cabinet knob.

[This message has been edited by XRAYED (edited 04-28-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ddavelarsen:
Okay, silly question of the day: What's the frog on the sheath for?


The frog, or stud, is on this sheath to act as a stop when the knife is worn inside a waistband or tucked into a belt. It keeps the sheath from sliding out the bottom.

In Bill Bagwell's book, "Bowies Big Knives, and the Best of Battle Blades"....he has and entire article advocating the use of this type of sheath over belt loop sheathes. In the article he demonstrates that a Bowie up to 12" can be carried concealed by a 6 foot man.

I have several original Bagwell knives and at first I was skeptical about this type of sheath until I tried it. Now, in my opinion, this sheath is ideal for carry on knives from 6" to 12" blade length.