My lovely wife turns 40 today!


Jan 15, 2012
This week has been a busy week. My wife and I both had it off and we took some time and spent with friends family and our kids. Its been hectic but something different every day. Tuesday we started out with the kids on a 5 mile hike followed up by a hotel stay with a indoor waterpark. Then when to Indianapolis to a baseball game and to visit my aunt. Then on a kayaking trip with Murph and my cousin. After that to visit and stay the night with my wifes dad, and low and behold, my wifes 40th birthday snuck up on us today. So let's all wish her a happy bithday, and thank her for puttinig up with me, Murph and all of this knife madness. She's a great wife and a wonderfull mother, and deserves much better than me, but somehow I got Lucky! (Oh and by the way, just for the record, she is 6 months older than me! :D)
congrats and happy birthday.
good looking family you have there and sounds like it's been a good week!
Happy Birthday Gina....
You must be a saint to be married to Thaddeus.... Timothy... Tyrone... whatever..

Many happy returns.. You do have a great husband though...

Happy Birthday Gina ! Tell Todd to learn the difference between a 3 and a 4 because your clearly 30 not 40.
Very happy birthday to you Gina,

now kick Todds a$$ for saying you were older than him and listing your age online :)
Mine was 2 and 1/2 years younger than me when we got married but ever year i get older and she still stays 21 :rolleyes: I will never understand how that works lmao
A very happy birthday to you ma'am. You are a saint. :thumbup: