pic test

IMG_5106M by htaranti79, on Flickr[/IMG]

test. it worked. woo hoo
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Can somebody tell me why my photos are showing up in different sizes? They are from the same photo bucket album and camera. Thanks
testing pic from google picasa


and video


another way


Ok I think I'm getting the hang of this :D
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All I did was find a pic from picasa copied the URL or address and pasted it in the image box that pops up.

1) Find the pic you want. Right click on the pic, go down to properties and left click.
2) Find the URL or address of the pic in the window that pops up
3) copy the URL
this case (http://lh4.ggpht.com/-PrAellZSbc4/S0i3zz7sbtI/AAAAAAAAAT8/b6MsX9JiyzQ/s640/DSC_2663.jpg)
4) Now when you want to insert the pic in your post click "insert image" and paste the copied URL into the popup box
5) you can preview your post to see if it worked.


hope that helps

Well I'll be, Thats what I thought I was doing. Thank you for the help.
You know I am a little smarter then I look :)