Recommend a knife to take with me to Europe

Oct 13, 2019
Hello everyone. I'll be attending an archaeological project in Slovenia for 5 weeks this summer. As a knifemaker and sharpener, it would feel wrong not having a knife with me for so long. I've tried to find the laws regarding knives for Slovenia but have come up with nothing. If you have any info regarding this, please give me your advice.

Also what knife would you recommend I take with me? We'll be in the capital and some rural areas along with one day just over the Italian border.

I travelled in Italy a few years ago with a Victorinox Trekker and a SOG Paratool multi tool. When I visited the town of Scarperia I purchased a small folding knife at Coltellerie Giglio (great store, everyone must go visit this place!). I always had one of these with me on my two weeks of train, bus, horse, and foot travel, but always in a rucksack, never on my person. I was never questioned and never harassed. Museums that searched my bag either let the red handle and Swiss cross through or held onto it until I left the museum. If you're an archaeologist, you definitely have a "good reason", as the laws often require, to have a good working multi tool like an SAK or Leatherman. And a Victorinox SD Classic--you MUST have one of these on you at all times!

As for Slovenia, you can contact their embassy from their website,

Have fun and post pics!!

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Hello everyone. I'll be attending an archaeological project in Slovenia for 5 weeks this summer. As a knifemaker and sharpener, it would feel wrong not having a knife with me for so long. I've tried to find the laws regarding knives for Slovenia but have come up with nothing. If you have any info regarding this, please give me your advice.

Also what knife would you recommend I take with me? We'll be in the capital and some rural areas along with one day just over the Italian border.


i've been to slovenia many times, especially Ljubljana and the triglav mountains.

Autos,assisted and double-edged knives are not allowed.

one handed openers are allowed but the police can confiscate them, if they feel like it. bit of a legal grey area...

I'd recommend a SAK with corkscrew (climber or forester) and a mora of your choice (i like the 711 or robust)

Check out:

Lubenice on the island of Cres,Croatia
island of Krk,Croatia (it's really called Krk)
An 84mm SAK or a little Spyderco slipjoint, or a Swayback, probably a Case because they're pretty and replaceable, aka an excellent impromptu gift or trade item. And buy another knife while you're there!
I recommend a multitool and an Otter Mercator knife. Two handed opening with a lock or a Spyderco UKPK for Germany. UKPK for the U.K. in Germany a small fixed hunting knife is legal below 12cm blade lenght
An 84mm SAK or a little Spyderco slipjoint, or a Swayback, probably a Case because they're pretty and replaceable, aka an excellent impromptu gift or trade item. And buy another knife while you're there!
I heartily endorse the "impromptu gift or trade item" idea. This is great thinking and something we seem to have forgotten in our self-centered world today.

Also what knife would you recommend I take with me? We'll be in the capital and some rural areas along with one day just over the Italian border.
A swiss army knife is almost always both legal and socially acceptable pretty much everywhere you can go. There aren't many places in the world where it isn't allowed, and so it's probably the best choice.

That being said, normally I would advise being on the cautious side and to avoid traveling to another country with a knife. I would say to just buy it when you arrive there, and then either give it away or mail it to yourself when you go home. But things are kind of crazy these days, and I don't know what the supply situation is like where you are going and whether it will be easy or difficult to find the swiss army knife that you want for sale when you get to your destination.

So it's your call. But definitely get a swiss army knife. And remember that you are essentially a guest, and you don't want to be potentially upsetting anyone.
Apart from legally, most of Europe is pretty chill with basic pocket knives from what I've seen, outside of major city centers, clubs, etc. A SAK or multi-tool would probably be fine, whatever would be most useful on the worksite. And any fixedblade that would be good for working, and at a cost that loss is a non-issue. If you are in the US, you'll almost certainly get the cheapest price at home, and it can just be "cost of the trip" I wouldn't worry about it too much. See if you can contact anyone who has gone in past years, or anyone who is related (but not in charge) and see what is normal in the area. The only reason you might not want to ask someone in charge is that they may have to give you a "policy" answer that is not based in any sort of reality.
I enjoyed Slovenia when I went there to play water polo in 1995. Great place (though they TOTALLY outclassed us in the pool....)

I suggest just purchasing some kind of Opinel while in Europe, maybe a few in case something breaks or for use as an impromptu gift, as suggested already.

SAKs won't scare anyone so bringing one is also a good idea.

GAGL had the best and most informed advice.

Would you show us photos of your trip, please? I would LOVE to see what you are up to!!!!