Rust is neglect.


Dec 19, 2012
I left my working CAK on top of my big kindling splitting round inside the garage. Been there all winter so I assumed it should be dry. I laid it down flat on top of the round and it's been a few weeks since I chopped.
Picked it up today and this is what I had. I felt like an abusive parent. It's all better now, spent a little time cleaning it up. Not shiny new, it's a worker but at least nobody will call the Khukri abuse hotline on me now, I hope.

Keep em oiled boys and girls.
For Shame! We will need to see some clean up photos, otherwise we are obligated to report you to Kukri Protective Services
For Shame! We will need to see some clean up photos, otherwise we are obligated to report you to Kukri Protective Services

Quite a shame if KPS places CAK in foster home . . . hmmm, how to apply?? . . .
It probably occurred whilst I was polishing my guddest curved spine. I'll try to spread the love a little more evenly.

I'll take photo evidence this evening, Lord knows I don't want to be in hot water with Khukri Protective Services.
THe worst part about KPS is they take ALL your khuks, not just the obviously neglected one...So..umm...wait!...joeraz, what did you find out? With Bawanna's wall they are going to need a LOT of foster placements. I think I have room for a few :D
There once was a mighty fellow, ol' Bawanna by name.
Made a boast of the guddest curved spine--for shame!
He polished and shined and checkered on the wood.
But Doc had the bestest and that wasn't good!
Try as he might, he threatened, even bribed.
He couldn't best Bookie as hard as he tried!
OK, OK, been messing around with the nightmare they call photobucket for 45 minutes but here's evidence of love pics.

I still need to hit the buffer but it's been a trying day and I'm not gonna risk a khukri in the forehead on the polisher.

It's much better, good enough for a worker but to please the KPS I'll not take any chances and shine her up pretty.
Now SingleGrind, you need to reread my book entitled "Looking Cool is Everything". Walking, er rolling around in my case with a rusty khuk just ain't making it.

There was a tiny little spot where I dinged the edge, easily fixed with a little sandpaper.

I actually checked the edge a little too vigorously and wounded myself a bit. I think there may be some truth to the rumor that these Khukri's are self sharpening. After all the kindling this thing cut up, I think it's sharper than when I started.
Your right I plumb forgot about that. My M-43 is self sharpening. Sometimes it gets a little rust, but after a few branches or maybe a small tree she's back to tip top. Shiny on the sweet spot, maybe a little uh patina on the rest. I put extra work into making the sheath look good so you you don't know what kind of blade may be underneath. The mind assumes it's shiny, and when it's out it moves so quick you can hardly tell the difference. Can't believe I've never sharpened it though. I'll have to look up when I originally got it
I'm still trying to figure out Aspck, I was gonna ask but I didn't want to look dumb or stupid ya know.

I don't get out much.

I do know BATF and you can keep that whole bunch, hopefully the new management will just eliminate that whole ball of wax.
Im thinking ASPCA Amer. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals but hes refering to its sister org that protects Khuks. Your prolly right about the new management btw. I think they should rid of the BATFE. I think it should be perfectly legal for me to throw grenades in my back yard like skeet and shoot at them while trying to grab another beer from the ice chest before the grenade explodes then smoke a stogie when it all hits the ground. Just good ol wholesome redneck fun an aint hurtin nobody.
coming over from the axe forum, what we'd do is rust the ENTIRE thing, then hit it with a wire brush to give it patina. exagerating of course. or cold blue it. we dont do anything to protect them, unless they're sanded. then its just a little but of polishing cotton and my axe head has literally been sitting out in humid ol'virginia for months with no thoughts of rusting. seeing people complain about surface rust is new to me. yes it does suck though. bottom line,there's a difference between axe and knife guys when it comes to rust.we see rust as experience. you guys on the other hand....
I as a rule don't let my axes rust neither. Nor my truck or my guns, especially my guns.

I redid a rifle couple weeks ago, has surface rust and even a bit of pitting. The owner an officer at work said oh that's just rust, like no big deal or concern.

It turned out real nice when I was done, cold blued, redid the stock. It'll probably be rusty by this time next year.
coming from a forum where rust is a minor inconvinience, this seems a bit "over reactive" i get what you're saying about rust. i do. it's just im way more relaxed about it because i know i can make a long lasting remedy in five minutes
Rust on a khuk is nothing new. I remember reading about Uncle Bill's reply to what do khuks look like in Nepal. His answer was, "Rusty".

A bit of tarnish did no harm to the blade.

Now I hate the red stuff as much as the next man. A season or two back I did an 'oops thread about leaving a KLVUK out in the snow for three days and how it polished up nicely.

It's still splitting kindling.