Stabilized Goodness!


Part Time Knifemaker, Moderator
Sep 10, 2007
I got a box of stabilized wood back from K&G on Friday so after work today I took off all the resin and sanded to 220. If anyone wants to get wood stabilized I highly recommend K&G and I would try to keep it in block rather than scales. Most of mine was in scale form so it takes more work to flatten them out again since they seem to warp with the process, and you lose some thickness.
Group Shot of the non spalted stuff

Buckeye Burl

Redwood Burl

Walnut Burl and Holly


Spalted Maple and Elm

Spalted Elm
They all look real nice, but I think I'm in love with that buckeye burl and the redwood burl. If they are still available when you take a few more orders I'll be begging you to use one on something for me. :D
put me down for a camp knife, spalted elm, ivory liners. Paypal is in a holding pattern awaiting further orders :D
I hear ya Clich, I love that Elm. Its so ugly its coooooool!
Satinwood ftw.
It's amazing how they can get the resin to penetrate throughout the wood grain during stabilizing.
I just put some Curly Maple scales on a Landi PSK & they looked like laminated wood until I held it in the right light & angle,then the grain popped out at me. :cool:

Good to know that thin stock will warp,good info Chris. :thumbup: :)
@ Chris, now that's some neat stuff. Have you ever used WSSI? I used K&G for my first time sending out scales to be stabilized (and to date, the only time). Like you said, some came back warped all to Hades and the excess resin was a bugger to get off all of them. I suspected some would warp, but didn't expect the big mess of gobs of dried resin when they came back.

@ Mykel, how do you like the PSK? I bought one of his blanks a few weeks ago when he was having a fire sale, but I haven't gotten around to putting the scales on it.
Ive never used them Donald but they have a great reputation. It is a mess sanding the resin off. I just got a 12" 1HP disc sander that makes pretty quick work of it though.
Donald, sent you an email!
@ Chris, now that's some neat stuff. Have you ever used WSSI? I used K&G for my first time sending out scales to be stabilized (and to date, the only time). Like you said, some came back warped all to Hades and the excess resin was a bugger to get off all of them. I suspected some would warp, but didn't expect the big mess of gobs of dried resin when they came back.

@ Mykel, how do you like the PSK? I bought one of his blanks a few weeks ago when he was having a fire sale, but I haven't gotten around to putting the scales on it.
That was too good a deal to pass up eh.
It'd make a good necker or pocket knife,but I prefer less belly on a little blade like that.
Check it out....
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