The latest in a long line of jackoffs

I can't belive what I'm reading and looking at, thank the powers to be that the owners of this poor company have come forward and finally confronted Mick and Duane, to think all this time and knives later that I have been being put on by these guys at Strider. SHAME on ME for not guessing at this sooner, I mean it was ssooooo clear at the end what had happened.
Just how I felt when Milli Vanilli got busted for not really singing "their" songs.
Sorry, I gotta go and call my support group.
Really though it's pretty %$##ed up and I'm with Ryan on this one. Take care. Dean
Hey Dean!
How are you?
Man do i ever treat my pals like crap...
Is your e-mail link good?

they already have Seal 2002 & Tiger 2001 !! ke ke

my BN-SS just arrive ! Thanks Mick
Wow cool! Oh, I mean :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Dean: if you shoot Spark an e-mail, he can change your Falshrimijagamahoockey name to Dean, and that way you keep your post count and all that.
Mick, I check more than a few times a week and Duane has my work email. Should be able to rattle my cage with those two.
Everyone here is doing good, hotter than two rats %$#@ing in a wool sock on a tin roof. Hope all is well on your end, take care. Dean
I know a good IP Attorney if you guys need one...been using him alot lately! ;)

Let us know if we can do anything to help...
Hey now... You know scouts these days aren't allowed to have sheath knives and/or locking folders. Question your source!:p

(Kind of pathetic, huh?):grumpy:

So Mick, is there anything you can do to these pieces of cr@p who are plaigerizing your designs?
They probably could sue if they could afford the cash for lengthy copyright case. And the time.

There certainly is a market for cheap knockoffs, yet the only near-suit I heard of was regarding the Kershaw vs. Timberline ? on the Speed Safe mechanism.

Microtech would rail on these guys and unless I'm mistaken they move more product (could be wrong now, however) but apparently not suing the people that reproduce their blades.

I mean I think it's almost a testament to how good these Striders are that they are being copied in such numbers. Now if anyone is selling them as actual Striders, there is a slam dunk court case, I beleive. Probably much easier to win against the talker than it is the actual faker.