You were a bit late Jeff_t Jeff_t . There were 29 people bidding on 20 items in the first 60seconds.
Yoko mentioned above that you can request a proxy and somebody could try to be fast for you.
CPK knives usually sell fast. I hope this helps.
Easier to come to Blade Show in 4 weeks, get in line Friday morning, about 3 hours before the show opens. This way you won't have to race through the doors with the first 200-300 people. Yes, by getting there 3 hours early you'll be about that far back in line. Go straight to their table, almost guarantee promise you can get one and some other choice pieces.

Not only that, come to Blade Show, it's awesome. I keep oxygen and smelling salts behind my table exclusively for CPK family, just don't ask to borrow money :)