'Tis November and who will be the first one cast into the cold dark waters?

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newuser - trolling, mod sass, and lame scumbag attempts to degrade this community.
lava44 - the inglorious return of Burley44 and various other trolling accounts.
feoranil - Just removing human garbage from our midst. (Return of pltan)
Newu5er - newuser by Mike G.

Just another piece of human garbage Mike tossed aside.
eastern_net - newuser proving how stupid he is.

Tough to go through life rude and ignorant.
Shaveit - Like I was saying: such a crying shame to go through life rude and stupid. newuser again.
just_cant_stop again from the same piece of human garbage.

(I like to snag garbage early.) :D. (But a certain person in my life is getting sick of me paying more attention to this place than her.).
andagain - newuser proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the limit to his stupidity is yet to be determined.:D
ohioknivesltd - newuser. :D
ohioknifeltd - now he thinks he can con us.
ATTtop - You mean someone is stupid enough to employ newuser.

Figures it would be AT&T. :D
dnatech- SPAMMER, reported by Doug C, Kim Lau, SteelWhore, Macgregor22, Saberman, BenchmadeBoy, and stevewest
magicman133 - scammer and thief, off to the Hall of Shame -- thanks to Mike G for the boot overboard!
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