Wanna lose lots of weight?

Mar 18, 2024
Hello folks!!
I tried to sign up with my old screen name but they wouldn't let me so instead of L6steel, I'm Stryker223.
I have wanted to let you folks know about a diet I came up with and lost 172 pounds on. All the other diets I tried were a waste of time because I had to stop eating the foods I like. One day it dawned on me that I could keep eating the foods I liked and still lose weight. I call it the fifty percent diet. What ever I was eating when I was a blimp, I ate the same food, just half as much. It worked so great I was amazed! After a week or two, I didn't even feel like I was dieting. After a while I hit a plateau and stopped losing weight so I cut my intake in half again. Same as before, after a week or two it didn't even seem like I was dieting. It's taken a couple years but I am amazed that I'm down to 192 pounds for the first time in fourty six years. I just wanted to share this info with as many peopl;e as possible. If you need to lose weight, give it a try!! I know it will work for you too!! Take care everyone!! Michael Cooper
Welcome back, Michael. It's been a long time. Some folks thought your post was spam but I told them I know you from way back.

BTW, you'll be happy to know that the little L6 knife you made me years ago is still getting a lot of use in the kitchen utility drawer for opening boxes and packages.
"You deserve a new knife for all that work."
I discovered some awesome knives at Amazon and a couple other web sites. I might not make them anymore but I still love a well made razor sharp blade!!
Good afternoon Michael, and thank you for the explanation of your successful diet method. Sounds pretty simple, but for a lot of people it would be difficult to maintain the will power to stick with something like that. But I have often felt that we, people in general, tend to eat a lot more than we actually need. I remember reading about centenarians of various cultures, and one culture that used to have a higher percentage of its population reach that venerable milestone than others was Okinawa. And interestingly, according to what I read, anyway, not only did their diets consist of mostly vegetables, rice, and fish (the foods that were most available locally), they also had a tendency to not eat until they were "full", but always left a little room. Your success story tracks with that. Congratulations, and hope to see you around the forum!

The way I recommended people lose weight was similar, but starting with a full-size meal. Then, cut out about 1/10th of your meal so you are eating 9/10ths of your normal. Do this for 2 or 3 weeks, then remove another 1/10th and eat that 8/10's of normal for 2 or 3 weeks, and so on.

The idea is if you shrink your meals incrementally, it is easier to stick to the diet and your stomach slowly shrinks so you won't need a full amount to feel full.
Yes, your stomach literally shrinks in proportion to your meals, over time. Ignore the Call of Ghrelin.
I gained & lost 40# (between 155-195) twice in the past 10 yrs before I just stopped stocking/drinking beer & soda at home.

Used an app called "MyFitnessPal" to track all of the cals consumed/burned during that time period. What/how I ate was relatively constant.

The only difference was the beer/soda which I not longer stock/drink at home.

Stopped drinking sodas entirely but still have a glass of beer when eating out but never at home. I drink cheap sauv blanc at home now instead of beer but I haven't gained weight again like I did when I drank beer/soda.

Been at a constant 170 (+/- 5) for over 3 yrs since then. 🤷‍♂️


PS: Just decided a few days ago to try to drop my weight back to 160.

The easiest way to do this for me is to just stop drinking alcohol entirely because I've been consuming about 500-600 cals/day in wine & hard liquor and, based on this calorie reduction, I should be able to reach this goal in about 12-15 wks (mid July) w/o making any other changes in my diet.

We'll see . . .
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after getting back into an exercise plan at the beginning of the year, I started tracking calories last week using MyNetDiary

based on my weight and goals for healthy weight loss, it suggested 2500 cals daily. I"ve been following it pretty good, with some days being less and sticking with my exercise and dropped 5 lbs last week.
its encouraging to see results.

congrats to those that have made it work, its no easy feat.
Ive found the only way I can lose weight is doing the LCHF(low carb, high fat, moderate protein) diet. The pounds just fly off of me. It's hard to maintain for long periods though.
I check my macros on MyFitnessPal & basically do 10%C/70%F/20%P. After a while your body will adapt to using the fat you eat & the fat on your body for energy, from the lack of carbs. It's hard but works. I will do it for 3-4 months at a time, then gradually introduce more carbs. If I eat my carbs in the morning before my workout & before work, then a little less carbs at lunchtime, then extremely little carbs at dinnertime. It works & I can maintain my weight. The reason for this is because I'm using those carbs for energy during my most active hours. I also do intermittent fasting for 12 hours. For instance, my last meal is at 6pm, then I don't eat again until 6am. This isn't for everyone, but it works for ME. Plus I can eat all the bacon & butter I want (within reason lol). I also noticed my skin & hair felt much healthier (when I had hair lol), also all the fat made everything just slide right out of me in the bathroom (in hindsight maybe a bit TMI). 🤷🏼‍♂️You just have to make sure to drink LOTS of water. The norm is 8 cups a day. I would at least double that.
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I tried the low carbohydrates long enough that I ended up in the emergency room with my blood pressure so low they had to shoot me up with hydrocortisone. Scare me silly!
I gained & lost 40# (between 155-195) twice in the past 10 yrs before I just stopped stocking/drinking beer & soda at home.

Used an app called "MyFitnessPal" to track all of the cals consumed/burned during that time period. What/how I ate was relatively constant.

The only difference was the beer/soda which I not longer stock/drink at home.

Stopped drinking sodas entirely but still have a glass of beer when eating out but never at home. I drink cheap sauv blanc at home now instead of beer but I haven't gained weight again like I did when I drank beer/soda.

Been at a constant 170 (+/- 5) for over 3 yrs since then. 🤷‍♂️
The fact that I don't drink liquid calories really makes a difference for me. I drink a lot of diet soda, but no coffee beverages, mixed drinks, or beer. Liquid calories just don't make you feel full, and it's so easy to have too much.
Ive found the only way I can lose weight is doing the LCHF(low carb, high fat, moderate protein) diet. The pounds just fly off of me. It's hard to maintain for long periods though.
I check my macros on MyFitnessPal & basically do 10%C/70%F/20%P. After a while your body will adapt to using the fat you eat & the fat on your body for energy, from the lack of carbs. It's hard but works. I will do it for 3-4 months at a time, then gradually introduce more carbs. If I eat my carbs in the morning before my workout & before work, then a little less carbs at lunchtime, then extremely little carbs at dinnertime. It works & I can maintain my weight. The reason for this is because I'm using those carbs for energy during my most active hours. I also do intermittent fasting for 12 hours. For instance, my last meal is at 6pm, then I don't eat again until 6am. This isn't for everyone, but it works for ME. Plus I can eat all the bacon & butter I want (within reason lol). I also noticed my skin & hair felt much healthier (when I had hair lol), also all the fat made everything just slide right out of me in the bathroom (in hindsight maybe a bit TMI). 🤷🏼‍♂️You just have to make sure to drink LOTS of water. The norm is 8 cups a day. I would at least double that.

Was there some book or plan you were following for this? Curious to read about it.
Mentioned earlier that I just started an "alcohol-free" (AF) diet. Here's my status report for April.

AF -- 28 Days from 04/02/24-04/29/2024

Starting Weight: 174.5#
Current Weight: 166.7#

Weight Lost: 7.8#
Current Wkly Rate of Loss: 1.95#

Goal Weight: 160
Revised Target Date: June 15, 2024

Exercise: Rowing 5x/wk --10k meters, 70 mins & 500 cals/day
Net Cal Intake: ~1500-1600/day
Primary Diet changes: No alcohol of any kind. Smaller portion sizes.


Next update will be posted at the end of May.
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