Recommendation? (Waterless) Coarse Stone Recommendation

Aug 26, 2021
Howdy there,

Question: What is a good coarse sharpening stone that doesn't require water?

Detail: I have two DMT Diamond sharpening (coarse and fine) and the three Spyderco ceramic stones (medium, fine, freakyfine). None of these require any water or oil to use (only to clean). I have my sharpening setup far away from a water source (a whole room away) and I really appreciate not having to put water on my knives, especially the folders where water may sit in a hidden spot I cannot easily dry. I don't want to start a debate on water stones/oil stones/this and that, I really enjoy water stones I just don't have any at this moment. I just would like some input on some coarse stones that would fit with my current setup (not needing water). My DMT stone worked great but I am starting to see the diamond coating wearing off the stone sooner than I hoped and I want to save these diamond stones for higher end steels while the stones are still usable. Ideally I would use another ceramic stone that is coarse. I want a stone that would not require water and wouldn't dish out or wear out quickly. Does anyone have any recommendations that fit this criteria?

Thank you all,

The Baryonyx Manticore is an excellent course stone that you could use dry.
I have always used water with mine but it is similar to a Norton course SiC stone and I have had no problem using them dry when necessary.
The Baryonyx Manticore is an excellent course stone that you could use dry.
I have always used water with mine but it is similar to a Norton course SiC stone and I have had no problem using them dry when necessary.
Ok, I'll look it up right now. Thank you very much.
check out my last post in the wdystoday thread where i sharpened hand scythes (actually sickles) from complete rust to very sharp with few rubï, without water or soapy water