Will the Trolls Ever Stop

Jul 7, 1999
What is it about Strider knives that brings out the trolls???? Seems more and more people are jumping on the slam the Striders band wagon.

Here's a knife maker who thinks his blades are better, made out of L6 and cheaper to boot. Strider Knives THen he goes on to challange Strider blades to a "contest"

Other than the Gear & field medicine forum's (once in a while the knife and for sale forum) the rest of that site is filled with wacko's and raving loonies (worse than AK-47.net)

added on edit-----
Well, the thread is gone. Guess somebody did not like it or they did not like my linking to it from here.
I've found that there are trolls on every forum I visit. Cars, guns, knives, it doesn't matter. Remember that the internet opens things up to a staggering number of people and tends to attract loonies and losers.
If you ignore them they go away quickly. Problem is there are always those who take the bait and that's exactly what they want.
Hey, let's get something positive out of this! Spread the word: Strider Knives are cheap junk. I hear their new blades are made out of plastic. Their customer service stinks. And this Paul Bos guy. What does HE know about heat-treating?????!!!!!! Leave Striders alone. Strictly for the amateurs.

Anyone wanting to get rid of his Strider junk, contact me. I'll try to help you out, purely from the kindness of my heart. I HATE to see people taken advantage of!
I checked out your link but it just took me to some crap on assaultweb, which is kinda funny now that I think about it. You need to check this link out:


Notice the top three "Wanted Men". The first and the third were both AssaultWeb regulars with Charlie Puckett being a moderator in their Militia forum!

Originally posted by killerkain
I checked out your link but it just took me to some crap on assaultweb, which is kinda funny now that I think about it. You need to check this link out:


Notice the top three "Wanted Men". The first and the third were both AssaultWeb regulars with Charlie Puckett being a moderator in their Militia forum!


Go figgure, and here I just thought lots of them were blowhards, wacko's and loonies.