With respect to what happened 9 years ago today....

Nothing can replace the loss of those two men. God bless them and their families, they are examples of the greatest that the United States has. I believe the fact the we take the time to remember is a good thing.
The Brave and the Giving are FEW and far between.

Thanks to all that have given the ultimate gift so that others can live free.

And bless those that are prepared to give it.
I used to tell their story to civilians, like, 5 or 6 years ago when I would listen to people casually throw around the word "hero" to describe anyone that showed courage when faced with adversity. Those two operators redefined that word for me. They're an example to us all.
It's a real shame that every person over the age of five doesn't know these (and others) by heart. Popular culture gives more respect to some jackass that plays a game or sings a song for a living :rolleyes:

I made my wife watch BHD last night...she was amazed at how young some of the guys were...when we figured out that in October of 1993 I was 18 as well- a senior in high school...with the sheer numbers of targets that were in the area it's nothing short of amazing that things turned out "as well" as they did. Or at least from what the public knows...I'm sure as with everything, there is lots that went on that never made it to the public's ears, and that's fine by me. leave it to the quiet professionals.
I just think it's sad that it took a book and a movie to get the public to become aware of what happened...
But in perspective i guess that does not take away from what was accomplished and the courage that was displayed.
I heard a Viking proverb once (wish I could remember it) that said something like "your entry into Valhalla was based on how you lived the last few moments of your life". I'd say Shughart and Gordon earned themselves a first-class ticket there.

molexey: It is a shame that the media glorify some kid that releases a rehashed version of a song that was made years ago or someone who can kick a football well when there are people like Gordon and Shughart about whose truly heroic deeds go vertually unmentioned. It's a sad sad world we live in. But at least the people that matter most will remember and honour their deeds: the families, the people they helped and their friends and comrades.

p.s. I'm not saying I knew them, I'm 21 and didn't know what happened until the book came out, there wasn't much coverage or infomation on what happened over here that I remember, but that just proves my point even more.

God bless all who place themselves in danger for the sake of people who will probably never even know their real heroe's names.
What would really honor those brave men who kicked some serious ass is to go back and LEVEL that shithole. Payback with a ****ing vengence!
I do remember, and in particular how the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I saw the newspaper account of the sniper team that went in to help the chopper crew. I also recall the awarding of their Medals of Honor. Not until the book came out, however was I aware of just how heroic they really were! They were ready to take on a whole city, because, at the time, IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
Put this together some time ago for another site, i belive it fits the occasion.


I apologize for the large size of the image.