
May 10, 2001
I haven't seen anyone go on a tear like that since Clinton pardoned all those crooks exiting the White House. You OK AvantEdge?
Actually AdvantEDGE/JonLL/Strider4112, stratocaster has the right to his opinion and there ain't thing one you can do about it. In my opinion the only thing wrong with BladeForums is little whiners like you.

You are a crybaby as JonLL and you are a crybaby as AdvantEDGE and as Strider4112 you like to run around editing your ignorant posts. Grow the heck up.

Sorry guys for invading this forum, but this little pissant troll has got to go.
KWM keep following me around lets see how far you'll go now!

And I want to thank all of the "GREAT" "NICE" "COOL" people on blade forums who have threatened me with personal violence in e-mails it really makes me feel great to know how kind others are in America.

I am speaking to a lawyer to stop this abuse I have been taking as JonLL and my new identity,


Don't worry about it K I have so many id's its as if I could do this forever and more important all the time you spend reading about and feeding trolls the more time you don't spend reading great things on Blade Forums!
Guess what? This is a privately owned forum. It has rules.
You broke them.
A lawyer cannot help you here. Sorry.