Attention Please read before posting

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
Greetings friends, I'm here to provide good looking, comfortable custom knives with great cutting ability at a reasonable price. I'm not here looking to get rich, only to fulfill the duties and obligations of my state in life, and perhaps elevate that state slightly from being an apartment dweller to owning my first house. That would allow me to expand my shop and continue doing what I love, and I would no longer have to do it outside in the cold in the winter months!

I appreciate all of you who have been a part of my journey so far, and welcome you and newcomers alike to check back here periodically to see what's new in the shop. I welcome questions, comments and constructive feedback of my work, and my designs.

I also ask you to view this subforum as an extension of not only my shop, but my home. To that end, here are a few things I ask of you:

Please leave foul language and innuendo out of your posts here, any words or images that have to do with sex, and please especially avoid expressions that use religious words irreverently or out of their proper context, such as to convey emphasis, excitement, exclamation or strong emotion. I don't expect everyone to agree that it's wrong to use the name of Jesus Christ and His Angels and Saints irreverently, and out of their rightful context, or to drop the "GD bomb", or preface a statement with "D*mn, that is nice", or whatever, but as a man who knows the value and reasonableness of respect and civility, I believe it's reasonable to expect others to be respectful of this while posting in this subforum. Basically I want my forum to be a place of positivity where everyone can feel included, and not have to worry that they will come across something objectionable, whether they are a trucker, sailor, roofer, or homeschooling parents with kids. I believe in public decency and my subforum will be a place that reflects that ideal.

Those who know me best are aware that although I was once very much anti-religion, I have become convinced, after much study and looking inward at myself and asking hard questions, of the truths of Christianity as taught by the Catholic religion. I also reject that the modern Church which calls itself Catholic truly is, but I believe the true faith and discipline required for salvation rests with the Church as she was more than a hundred years ago, and this is what I now try to practice, as I believe this is necessary for salvation. It is more important to me than anything else.

I will not pretend to think that sin is not sin, nor will I shy away from a sincere discussion about my beliefs, so if you want to discuss these matters with me, I ask you to contact me at the email address in my sig so we may have the discussion in private, in an organized and civil manner. This subforum is meant to be a place for custom knives, and free from controversy, be it religious, or otherwise. As such I reserve the right to remove content I find objectionable.

Thank you all for being here, and I look forward to working for you, and providing you with beautiful, high quality cutlery according to my modest skills, at reasonable prices.

David Mary

Dave Ouderkirk Aebl edc (9).JPG
Thank you gentlemen. Yes, I am looking forward to it as well. There are few things that make me feel as good as when I hear back from a satisfied customer happy with his or her blade.
P.S. I have made the request, and am waiting a mod to sticky the thread, and also looking into the possibility of becoming a mod.
Thank you sir.
David -

good to read from here. Thanks for creating this sub-forum and making intentional tools. Good fortune to you and your work.
It also bears mentioning publicly why I do not work, buy, or sell on Sundays, nor will I ever ask anyone else to, nor discuss matters of business. This is a heavily Scripture referenced post, so for those not interested in such things, you know up front so you can mosey, unless you're nosey. ;)

I believe the Church has it right when it teaches not to buy, sell, or perform servile works on Sundays and holy days (or ask or encourage others to do so) and the Bible supports its teaching:

Where the Bible indicates no buying or selling:
"do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies... that we would not buy them of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day." 2nd Esdras ("Nehemia") 10:29, 31
"Keep you my sabbath: for it is holy unto you: he that shall profane it, shall be put to death: he that shall do any work in it, his soul shall perish out of the midst of his people" Exodus 31:14

Where the Bible indicates the Sabbath obligation was not ended with the coming of Jesus:
"Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Matthew 5:17

Where the Bible supports the Church's teaching that the Sabbath on Saturday was a prefigure of Christ's renewal of all things, and is now on Sunday:
"he rising early the first day of the week" Mark 16:9
"Behold, I make all things new." Apocalypse ("Revelation") 21:5
"on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to break bread" Acts 20:7

Where the Bible severely warns against our appearing to approve or condone of sins against the Lord:
"Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh." Matthew 18:7
"Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them." Romans 1:32
"For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

I post this not to start any public debates, though I am happy to discuss the matter in private with anyone, but in service to my fellow man, in the hopes that we all might obey, love, and please the Lord that made us, starting with myself, the worst of sinners.

Thank you.

EDIT: I'm no saint
I want to add to this thread, to forestall the notion that my outward profession of religion is some kind of virtue signaling. I am a sinful man, and have fallen to sins that I know are wrong, even after I understood why they are wrong. I have the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to thank for many favors that Jesus has done me despite my not deserving them. I cannot signal any virtue of my own, as I have none. I only hope to improve at mirroring the virtue of Jesus Christ, better than I have so far in my life.

EDIT: Trying to become better
In order to atone for my sins, and hopefully gain the grace to not repeat them, I strive to obey what I believe to be the discipline of the Church, which includes following a specific calendar of fasting and holy days, which I am sharing here.

EDIT: On language
I wanted to provide a clarification and classification of the types of speech I do not use, and will remove from the sub forum, and the reasons for it. There are five main categories, which are: foul language, obscenities, swearing, cursing, and sacrilege and blaspheming. Many people use these terms interchangeably, but they are all in fact quite different from each other and have different levels of severity. Some people's opinions may differ, but this is my understanding of these terms, and how I would classify them, with regard to my religious and moral beliefs.

Foul language is metaphors and expressions used which come from vile, or unsavory aspects of nature, such as urinating, or excreting. They are not something we would use in polite company or when trying to make a good impression. Saying something is poor, or shoddy isn't foul language, but calling it "sh*tty" would be. Telling someone who is behaving badly to go away is not foul language, but saying to "go p*ss up a rope" would be. It is perhaps the least severe, but it is not in keeping with a dignified discourse. I believe that a well considered respect for others, and for self, precludes the use of foul language. In other words, while one may not mind foul language, I believe we should be considerate enough to realize that not everybody wants to communicate at that level all the time, even in casual conversation, and therefore not force it on others, whom we either know not to like it, or we don't know whether they do or not. These two examples are not the limit of foul language, but suffice to exemplify it in brief.

Obscenities are metaphors and expressions which come from the intimate and generative aspects of our nature. The F-bomb is a principal example of an obscenity, or any expression that sexualizes the conversation, either explicitly, or through innuendo. These are more severe than mere foul language, because whereas foul language has as its object those aspects of nature which are merely related to the individual, obscenities pervert human intimacy, which is a sacred thing, into something irreverent or negative. Respect for self and others should include a reverent respect for the intimacy of husband and wife, by which human society continues to propagate. Thus using the F-bomb and other sexually loaded terms with a callous or casual irreverence enables and perpetuates a mentality of disregard and contempt for the very basis of the foundation of the human family. Yes this severity I perceive in such language is directly tied to the sacredness of traditional marriage and my belief that human sexual intimacy belongs therein alone.

Swearing is to make an oath, calling some heavenly or corporeal entity as witness. For example, instead of saying "I paid $50 for it", when one says "I swear I paid $50," or "with such and such as my witness", or "I swear to such and such that I paid $50". The reasons we should not swear in our casual speech are because: it implicitly harms our credibility. Why the need to swear if we are truthful people? If we are truthful, it should be enough to simply say "I paid $50 for it". Secondly, many people swear so casually, even in cases of exaggeration, such as "I swear I paid like a million bucks for that knife", and such expressions are taken note of by God, who will, in the final judgment call to account all those who swore frivolously, or swore to something that was not true.

Cursing is any words wishing, bestowing, or inviting evil upon self, others, or even inanimate objects or situations. D*mnation is the term for being cursed to reside in hell for eternity after death, as punishment for grievous sins. The verb "to d*mn" is to bestow that state upon something or someone. Therefore using "d*mn" is none other than to invite someone to that state. It is the principal and worst curse utterable, especially when one tries to implicate God in it as well, via the "GD-bomb". The damage a person does to his or her soul by speaking in this way may not be directly perceived in this life, but the notion that what we think, say, and do is what we become, or what we ask for, that we will receive, is one to be considered in this regard.

Sacrilege and blasphemy are slightly different from each other, but very closely related. They are the most severely detrimental form of speech a person can use, because their object is God, and the things God holds dear. Blasphemy is any expression which is directly offensive to God, such as using His names or titles in an irreverent manner, or without even thinking of Him, such as when someone uses the Most Holy name of Jesus as a mere exclamation, or out of frustration. The name of Jesus is the only one by which we have a chance at redemption and salvation from sin, death, and hell, and to treat it with such casual disregard is a favor which will be returned upon us at that time of our passing. Thus, I should fear more to willingly utter the name of Jesus in vain (rather than with respect, love and reverence), than I should fear any manner of physical torment. Worse yet is to utter His name with a directed malice against Him or those who love Him. Again, the effects upon the soul of a blasphemer may not be directly perceived in this life, but the prospect of facing death after having lived with such a habit is a fearful one indeed. And sacrilege is likewise to use the names of things consecrated to God, such as those used in religious worship, or the names of His friends, i.e. the saints, in similarly negative, irreverent, vain, or malicious ways.

I have been guilty of all the above. Nevertheless I have changed my ways and hope only to keep getting better, and I post this in an effort to help my fellow men and women to understand the spiritual perils inherent to such speech, or at least to invite a more considerate and dignified civil and social discourse.

Some verses in Scripture which relate to this edit: Exodus 4:27, Proverbs 4:24, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 21:23, Matthew 5:34-37, Matthew 12:36-37, Matthew 15:11, Luke 6:28, Luke 6:44-45, Roman 3:10-18, Ephesians 5:3-4, Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 3:8, Colossians 4:6, 2 Timothy 2:16, James 5:12, 1 Peter 3:10... there are many more but these should suffice to make the point about avoiding such speech to anyone claiming to follow Jesus and the Bible.
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Thank you for your exceedingly generous compliment.
Greetings friends, I'm here to provide good looking, comfortable custom knives with great cutting ability at a reasonable price. I'm not here looking to get rich, only to fulfill the duties and obligations of my state in life, and perhaps elevate that state slightly from being an apartment dweller to owning my first house. That would allow me to expand my shop and continue doing what I love, and I would no longer have to do it outside in the cold in the winter months!

I appreciate all of you who have been a part of my journey so far, and welcome you and newcomers alike to check back here periodically to see what's new in the shop. I welcome questions, comments and constructive feedback of my work, and my designs.

I also ask you to view this subforum as an extension of not only my shop, but my home. To that end, here are a few things I ask of you:

Please leave foul language out of your posts here, any words or images that have to do with sex, and please especially avoid expressions that use religious words irreverently or out of their proper context, such as to convey emphasis, excitement, exclamation or strong emotion. I don't expect everyone to agree that it's wrong to use the name of Jesus Christ and His Angels and Saints irreverently, and out of their rightful context, or to drop the "GD bomb", or preface a statement with "D*mn, that is nice", or whatever, but as a man who knows the value and reasonableness of respect and civility, I believe I can and should be able to expect that any man worthy of being so called is at least willing to respect my wishes in this matter while posting in this subforum.

Those who know me best are aware that although I was once very much anti-religion, I have become convinced, after much study and looking inward at myself and asking hard questions, of the truths of Christianity as taught by the Catholic religion. I also reject that the modern Church which calls itself Catholic truly is, but I believe the true faith and discipline required for salvation rests with the Church as she was more than a hundred years ago, and this is what I now try to practice, as I believe this is necessary for salvation. It is more important to me than anything else.

I will not pretend to think that sin is not sin, nor will I shy away from a sincere discussion about my beliefs, so if you want to discuss these matters with me, I ask you to contact me at the email address in my sig so we may have the discussion in private, in an organized and civil manner. This subforum is meant to be a place for custom knives, and free from controversy, be it religious, or otherwise, and I do reserve the right to remove content I find objectionable.

Thank you all for being here, and I look forward to working for you, and providing you with beautiful, high quality cutlery according to my modest skills, at reasonable prices.

David Mary

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David, awesome work. I apologize but I don't see your email address. I would like to PM you for some regrind work. Many thanks, John (email REDACTED)
I would like to PM you for some regrind work.

Email sent, and I have taken the liberty to redact your email address from your post so spammers don't see it. Thank you for the kind words John.
Thank you for dropping by Leo, I appreciate you.
Jesus cut and passed the mustard for all willing to believe. The Bible is God's gift of navigation for anyone humble enough to acknowledge the need for direction. "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16.
Thanks David for sharing this.
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And not only the Bible, but the traditions of the apostles which they also passed down, having learned them at the feet of their Master. 2nd Thessalonians 2:14, " Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."

And as preserved, and taught by their legitimate successors as well, illuminated also by the Holy Ghost. Acts (of the Apostles) 1:16-26: "Judas... who was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry. And he indeed hath possessed a field of the reward of iniquity... his bishopric let another take... and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles."