Disassembly pics?

Benchmade 750 Pinnacle
Had my Feist XL apart for the first time. Internals were good. The line for the lock bar is interesting. I had not realized there was a detent ramp, which is good. Too many knives with detent ramps end up rebounding when I do my regular closing method of unlocking and dropping. So they did it right here and it probably plays into the overall smoothness of the action. Like some other recent Kizers, this thing locks up solidly and drops shut like a champ.

It looks like they used a light clear grease instead of oil here. I cleaned and replaced it with my favorite oil. I wiped away a little black on the cloth, mostly around the pivot area.

I did modify the scales slightly. Notice how the top corners come to a point as the rounded top meets the sides. You can see where I already started rounding those off on the bottom. I took it a little further once the knife was apart and gave the scale edges a once over. Now I have it the way I want it. :)

not really good pictures as I just took them quickly as an aide for reassembly. Pretty old and abused second hand Benchmade Serum 5400 D/A. Slightly finicky knife that i do like but went to use in auto mode and then blade would not stay closed.

not great not terrible to reassemble - i am a sucker for D/A knives. If I tear down again I will take better more informative pics

