Have you ever seen anything creepy?

Am I the only one that read this and has no idea WTF is going on? Did you just tell us half of like 4 different stories? Seems like everything was typed out super frazzled and none of it is finished. :confused:

I had no problem understanding it :) might be only you :p

but then I have written out a few things for this thread that I ended up scrapping because well .. regardless how I put the words down ... to convey stuff I seen in a couple years living in a tribal healer / featherfoots camp .. its going to sound whacked out ..

I think I said it before , its the stories people wont put down here because they are too far " out there" even tho they actually happened , that are the most interesting ones .
just this pile of bones on top of a rock during a day hike last year. i came back while riding my mtb a week later and it was all gone.

I have one or too from the earlier days of my childhood
1. My family and a few other families were staying at some log cabins in colorado and me and some of the other boys went 'sploring in the woods like we had always done. We were about half a mile from the cabins and there was a man with scar on his head and a strange vibe about him, he was standing still in the middle of the trail and he heard us looked at us with a straight face and did nothing but stare. instantly me and the other 10 year old boys booked it back to the cabins. our dads went back to where we said we saw the man and never told us what happened once they returned, still dont know to this day.

2. I was probably 12 years old by this point and me and my best friend were once again wilderness 'splorin and i was walking through some taller grass under the trees when i came across a deer that was cleanly cut from the middle of him. it was the front half of the deer and me and friend being a little braver by this point in our lives actually stood just wondering how there came to be a cleanly severed deer right in half. our parents said it must have been some homeless people who had been known to live in this area of woods. proud to say we continued to explore the area like nothing happened. although to this day i still wonder
just this pile of bones on top of a rock during a day hike last year. i came back while riding my mtb a week later and it was all gone.


As much as I love the peace and solace of bush time, I still keep my eyes open for people. Nasty things happen out there also. As I've said before, I'd rather take my chances with four legged predators than those with two........And lately about the only creepy stuff that I've seen has been on CNN. Damn near enough to give you an ulcer if you watch too much of that !
I am not sure if its creepy... More like spooky and it's sending chills down my spine just recalling what I am about to write;
In april 2002 I helped my parents move from their old apartment to an older single house with garden and cherry tree that just happened to be free at that time.
Upon questioning the estate agent if that house was any good, she told us that this house has been inherited down for two generations in family and the pair living here before were so happy with this home,
they stayed around thirty years before moving into a nursery. Not a single of them living here before thought about selling it and the young estate agent was quite happy to sell such a gem.

Even before we were done with moving and unpacking, my parents asked me to stay for dinner and the night - Being tired from carrying stuff I was not in any situation to refuse.
After dinner while watching TV, a uncomfortable twisty feeling started in my gut with a slight freezing. Not making much of it, I decided to ignored it and soon went to sleep on the mattress in the living room next to the piles of boxes.

I woke up with an alerted feeling in the early hours. Confused but too lazy to get up, I looked around the room in search of I-don't-even-know-what. In search for a logical reason for my bodys behaviour.
Looking out the window, the sun was hardly up yet when I suddenly notice an unremarkable looking old lady sitting on a thick branch of the cherry tree. That cherry tree's around 20 or more feet away from the house and part of the houses garden.
Just when I sat up thinking "the heck", she came leaping all the way from the cherry tree through the closed window, pushing me back on the mattress with such force I hit my head on one of the moving boxes; She pinned my arms by the elbow and sat on my calves completely immobilizing me. It was hard to breath as I was gasping for air to scream. The old lady had no trouble to keep me down as she was not strong or heavy but simply "unmoveable". Her emotionless face was just as unmoving like a photograph and I was terrified as she slowly started to look angry by every passing second. I closed my eyes in instinct as she started to bent down with a jerking movement.

The next thing I knew, she was gone with nothing but a curling black mist remaining for several seconds. I still felt being pinned for minutes afterwards until I finaly managed to get up. I went to the hospital.
Doctor assured me mental stability and said I must have been simply paralyzed by bad sleeping posture and most likely had a lucid nightmare from yesterday nights TV program. Like fu**

We refused living in that house and moved again.
I am not sure if its creepy...We refused living in that house and moved again.

In The Terror That Comes in the Night, folklorist and behavioral scientist David J. Hufford argues that sleep paralysis is related to an anomalous experience known in Newfoundland as "the old hag". According to Hufford, the old hag is "an experience with stable contents which is widespread, dramatic, realistic, and bizarre," and elements of the phenomenon cannot be fully explained either by psychology or culture. His works have explored the connection between the old hag and parapsychology in what he labels the "experience-centered approach" to hauntings.


I used to work with a guy who said he had the same problem. Being the bad kid from a very strict, Roman Catholic family, he always thought it was demonic possession. I am more inclined to believe the above.
Glad to have at least that sorted out, not.
It was freaking me out and it still does. Why does it always have to be an old granny anyway?!

Thanks for the pointer dougo83
Sleep paralysis is creepy. I've only had it one time. I was studying in the Library at school and fell asleep. I heard someone walking by my and I tired to posture up but I couldn't move at all.

It felt like my arms were being magnetically held to the table. I tried to open my eyes but I could barely even move my eyelids. After a few seconds I realized I was having sleep paralysis and just waited for it to go away while being fully conscious the whole time.

It was a really weird experience. I was trapped inside my own body. Hopefully it won't happen again.

But having nightmares about old ladies during sleep paralysis is very common, they call the grandma "the old hag" in some cultures.
I also had sleep paralysis. I think I had it two or three times, always when sleeping over on the couch of a buddies of mine.
It was VERY weird. I had no hallucination luckily.
I could open my eyes and see that I was still lying on the couch, but I couldn't move.
When I closed my eyes I could feel myself standing up, I could move around etc. But as soon as I opened my eyes again I was still lying on the couch.
That drove me a bit mad. :D
I did indeed panic. :D
Now I know what it is...
Sleep paralysis is indeed weird and scary. I had it a couple of times when I was younger. When it released, it felt like a wave going down my body, from top of hair to bottom of feet. Probably also where the succubus comes from.
I had a dream once that i was walking in a large city on a sidewalk. An older car drove up to me and four guys got out with automatic machine guns. I was shot and killed for no reason. My soul immediately rose out of my body but only rose about 6 feet. It was the most painful experience I have ever felt. Not the gunshots, but my soul being ripped from my body. It still effects me today. I spent the rest of the dream half risen and floating over my family. They could not see me or hear me.

I assure you, anytime I am on a sidewalk in a large city, I think of that.
When I was a kid in Scouts I was walking from the lake back to our campsite after dusk when my flashlight crapped out. It was one of those pitch-black no moon nights and the lake was about 3 miles from the camp. Doesn't sound very far but when it's so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face it may as well have been 1000 miles. Slow walk to the lake took less than 30min. The walk back took me several hours. I wandered off the trail but I knew I was still heading in the right general direction. What spooked me is there for a while every time I took a step it sounded like something was moving through the woods. The sounds were about 15 feet to my side, then it sounded like it moved behind me and over to my other side. I would walk, hear the noise, stop walking and the rustling would continue for a few seconds before it stopped. It wouldn't move unless I moved. So yeah, I felt like something was stalking me. Not knowing what was making the sounds was the worst part. Could have been a deer or it could have been a mountain lion. I was 12 so if had wanted to eat me I would have been a goner. Never have I been so scared for so long. I have felt hunted in the Army but that was different. I knew who and what was after me.
When I was about 14 my two friends and I were exploring all day near battleship rock in NM and when darkness fell we had the queasy sensation of being watched by many eyes. We ran like scared jack rabbits down cliffs and huge rocks we'd taken hours to climb up. Got in the car and all agreed that we'd felt like somethings were grabbing at us from the tree branches.
Later in the week an old timer mentioned that that area was believed by the native folks to have bad medicine. Even though it's part of a parkland.

When we visit Old Fort Niagara and pay respects in the chapel the feeling of frightened folks from the past always overcomes me. Like they were scared or maybe there were wounded.

Fun thread, thanks for the heebee jeebees ya'll!

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When I was younger, around age 8 or so, I use to sleep in a bunk bed in my room and I always slept on the top bunk. One night I woke up and there was a small green man sitting on top of my desk/book case which was on level nearly with my bunk on the other side of the room. I was terrified and tried to scream but couldnt as he just grinned at me with pointed white teeth. I started balling and was totally freaked screaming until my mom showed up and I told her everything. She settled me down and made everything better (as mothers always do). I went back to sleep. The next day she put a gold holly leaf with red rubies on it hanging on the blinds of my window and said that would keep him ( the grinning man I call him) away and it did. Years later my mom told me that the exact same night I saw him, my younger brother in another room of the house woke up a few hours later freaked describing the exact same small green grinning man.
Im 21 now and haven't seen him since, though it is the strongest most frighting memory I have.