Micro Bawanna Bowie Folder concept.

Who? Me? Sneaky? nah, I posted it up big and bold in the forum not a super sneaky PM :D I think I should get credit for that at least. Now GREEDY? sure that fits. But I think Stephanie IS kinda catchy don't you? LOL.
I thought it was catchy. I just might use it when I get my operation.
Really great to see everyone finally coming out of the closet! Wonder if Steve Martino will put in her two cents? Let's hear it for National Steve Pride Week! Just keep them big honkin' folders comin', Nkamidog! Hate to schedule you an appointment with the vet to have you "tutored".............
Wow, when you get this done I think you should start on a full sized two handed folding Kukri... Just let someone say it can't be done. A skinny 17" sirupate or Gelbu blade would be a good start.

Super impressive Ndog, really I can't wait to see it done.
Too late! Vet day was yesterday:D

I'm kind of thinking he means the other vet....ya know the one that puts that little cone on your head so you can't lick yourself?

Gawd I hate those things, chaffe my neck sooooo bad!
I know. It just that "tutored" sounded too much like "neutered":eek: and thats not what I need right now. Them cones just aint right. You cant do what a dog needs to do because he can.

DB: Your not too far off brother! Ive already grazed through my collection looking for a chiruwa handled something that might work. That would be gawdawful cool! I wanted to do it with a Kag Katne way back but never did it. Your right about the "it cant be done" part. Thats all I need;)
A whole new meaning to the phrase "I double dog dare ya", which usually leads to here, hold my beer and watch this!
I know. It just that "tutored" sounded too much like "neutered":eek: and thats not what I need right now. Them cones just aint right. You cant do what a dog needs to do because he can.

DB: Your not too far off brother! Ive already grazed through my collection looking for a chiruwa handled something that might work. That would be gawdawful cool! I wanted to do it with a Kag Katne way back but never did it. Your right about the "it cant be done" part. Thats all I need;)
But this time it's true. It really can't be done.
I know. It just that "tutored" sounded too much like "neutered":eek: and thats not what I need right now. Them cones just aint right. You cant do what a dog needs to do because he can.

DB: Your not too far off brother! Ive already grazed through my collection looking for a chiruwa handled something that might work. That would be gawdawful cool! I wanted to do it with a Kag Katne way back but never did it. Your right about the "it cant be done" part. Thats all I need;)
Hey KamiDog... It's been a while since I lurked around this thread. You've been keeping yourself busy!

That folder is really taking shape now. Awesome!
Thanks sno. I been double dog dared again so I gotta finish it now. I think the hardest part is done now (might should not have said that) which is cutting and fitting the lockbar. I cut the spring mount or pommel end last night. Its getting cold in the shop lately. Dropped down to about 65 degrees:rolleyes: Time to break out the 20"AK for some firewood processing. Maybe a Bonecutter! Hmmm. Oh dont have a bonecutter:grumpy: You know anybody that has a BC;)

Got the bolster spring mount butt thingy plate or whatever you call it cut out and drilled. Also cut the locking bar to length. Its called lockbar but ive been calling it a locking lever for lack of folder part terminology. Ill try to be politically correct as I go so its a lockbar from now on:cool:


After about three slices of steel to fabricate the lockbar spring I finally got one that looks like it will work! Whooo hooo! Looks great!


So I heated it and quenched it then tempered to what I thought was spring temper. Looks pretty dark blue to me and pretty uniform so time to put it to the test.


Now let’s put it on the arbor to flex its muscle. I remember bookie saying if it makes 25 cycles it will last pretty much forever. Damn!.... sunny beach! Guessed I pushed it too far. I think I needed to temper it down a bit more. I think ill tend towards overtempering so if it aint right and just bends instead of breaks then i can reharden it and try again instead of making it all over again. Live and learn again:rolleyes: Sounds like a weekend of spring making.
Whelp, Better to snap there than once you have it placed. Can't believe how wonderful it is coming out. Whole lot of learnin' happening on this project it seems.
...Ok, sometimes I'm a bit slow.

Not as slow as me, I didn't get the joke, and I wrote it!

My OTF khuk comment was meant to raise the bar for nDog, perhaps get him thinking and spur his creativity. Gotta keep challenging him, can't let him get complacent. ;)
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! I get it!

Ok, sometimes I'm a bit slow.

Yall might have to splain that one to me. oh well. Long as I figure it out before Christmas. Wouldnt want to be slower than Christmas ya know.

I spent last weekend playing with springs and here are some test subjects.


I bended a few and I broked a few?


Once I figured out how to temper them properly like Bookie says via sardine can (coffee can down south) then no springs were damaged and everything was useable. It was raining that day. Helluva mess when cold water meets hot oil. I just stood there covering it till it all burned out.


Some too stiff and some too whimpy and some too short...etc. I finally settled on a round one made from a piece of drill stem.


This one looked awesome but was way too stiff. and a bit short. oh well.
OK bear with me now. After some operational testing its time to trim the fat of of this baby. It does open with the snap of the wrist and locks perfectly. Make a nice snap sound. Ill post a vid soon.








Now time to replace all them bushings with roller thrust bearings. Still have a bit of hardware to figure out before scales go on. More later!