OK guy's tell it..

I'm 46, but today I feel like I'm 46.5

wait a sec...

I AM 46.5!

I'm 52, look like I'm 42, and from the inside looking out I still think I'm 25. But all those 25 year old babes look right through me, so I must look like I'm...52. My kids are 22 and 23, and remind me way too much of myself at their age. :rolleyes: I was sitting in my fourth grade classroom when JFK was assasinated, went to way too many Dead concerts, benefitted greatly from the discipline and training of the airborne infantry, got too educated for my own good, survived opiate addiction and am still the same introverted dork that I started out as. My wife, our dog and making stuff give me a pretty happy life and I'm only halfway through!
this turned out better than I expected :D
and I thought there were only a few ole farts in here. :D

then you have the older than dirt guys :D
Ig is well beyond his years in that department. :D ..

Kit I'd venture to say your not there yet :D
why I remember when they packaged dust to make the dirt :eek:
at least my joints feel like I'm old enough to have been there :D
Dan here's a question for you, at what age would someone be considered an old fart? :D This could be a loaded question :eek: :D or it could start another discussion :eek:
Forgot to mention, I think I may be one because when i talk to my kids about when I was young, they always say boy your old and now I'm the oldest on the nite crew where I work. I'm always hearing alot of "old" jokes at work.
Razorback - Knives said:
Dan here's a question for you, at what age would someone be considered an old fart? :D This could be a loaded question :eek: :D or it could start another discussion :eek:
good ??

that would be a two fold answer or maybe not :)
my gramp died a few years back (about 15 now) at 85 only because he fell down some stairs
his lungs filled with fluid ( I can't spell the word I'm looking for)
that's what killed him not the broken collar bone or the cut in his foot.
laying in a hospital bed is not good for anyone.
I dare say he felt better than I do now at 50 before his fall.
my dad is 71, other than his Back ( worse than mine) he's got the go and appetite of a bull..

old to me is I geuss is like joints that keep you from doing what you want.
I can't even exercise without paying for it with joint problems, and my back limits me greatly.
it gets more detailed but it's damned if I do and Damned if I don't for sure..
I'm not old age wise by a long shot after all if I live as long as Gramp did
I'd have 35 more years. but I don't think so :D the limits that slow me down will in time tear me down. SO
the ole saying I think is true.
your as old as you feel..and Damn I feel old. :(
Dan Gray said:
your as old as you feel..and Damn I feel old. :(

Boy oh boy ain't that the truth??

Why is it that so many of us are way broke down too early??? Did our generation play and party just a little too hard or what?
I was bullet proof Mike, My Navy time didn't help me a whole lot. :(
I think I squeezed about 10 years or so into a 3 year active, on a 3x3 hitch .
when we were in port no one was safe. :eek:
I spent 3 years on a ATF we worked as hard as we played and I did some playing...
on shore,, working, fighting, and loving , I think I could have done without
the working and fighting,
I'm 59 and still have some room for new scars. Aside from some old wounds and back pain, I can still hold some steel to the grinder without shaking, and peel a squirrel off a tree limb with a head shot. I can still hump up and down some hills at work with my rifle and gear, but those hills are getting steeper! Gravity is greater on our bodies as we get older. It must be in the water, huh?By the time my 10 hour shift is over, my duty belt weighs 500 pounds and the deer in the headlights are getting harder to see. Our rookie officers call me old, but I know I am wiser. I have lived this long, and they still have the big chore to manage to live as long as some of us have, I tell them. Old Indian wisdom at play here. A wizeguy rookie asked me last night what old Indians think about. I told him it is priviliged information, he is not worthy. He called me "Pop", meaning "old dad". I told him it was possible, and told him to tell his mom "Hi!" next time he saw her.Yep, I nailed him good, and the other guys that were there thought it was a really funny! Old Indians are actually sitting around thinking of good comebacks while we stare into campfires.
John Andrews said:
I'm 59 and still have some room for new scars. Aside from some old wounds and back pain, I can still hold some steel to the grinder without shaking, and peel a squirrel off a tree limb with a head shot. I can still hump up and down some hills at work with my rifle and gear, but those hills are getting steeper! Gravity is greater on our bodies as we get older. It must be in the water, huh?By the time my 10 hour shift is over, my duty belt weighs 500 pounds and the deer in the headlights are getting harder to see. Our rookie officers call me old, but I know I am wiser. I have lived this long, and they still have the big chore to manage to live as long as some of us have, I tell them. Old Indian wisdom at play here. A wizeguy rookie asked me last night what old Indians think about. I told him it is priviliged information, he is not worthy. He called me "Pop", meaning "old dad". I told him it was possible, and told him to tell his mom "Hi!" next time he saw her.Yep, I nailed him good, and the other guys that were there thought it was a really funny! Old Indians are actually sitting around thinking of good comebacks while we stare into campfires.
Hey!!! 59??? You Ole Redskin are you sure you are counting correctly??? You know you have to count all the summers, winters, falls and springs. :confused: :confused: :p :D
You all have probably heard the story of the young bull and the old bull, but just in case:

Two bull were out in the pasture, a young firey one, tearing up the sod with his horns and throwing dirt over his back with his hooves, while the old bull is over in the shade of a tree munching flowers and reminiscing.

The young bull charges up to the old one and says,"why don't we run down to the cow pasture and nail a cow?"

The old bull raises up his head and looks at junior and says, "why don't we walk down and nail them all?"
I hope being old just means you bitch more cause I've already got aches an pains! The way you guys talk I'm in big trouble!
I already look at todays kids and shake my head in disgust too! Oh God I'm almost an old fart! :eek:
Yes, the aches have already started. Marines and playing soccer as a youth and in college (broke way too many bones in that sport) has taken it's toll. What's worse, I gained about 30 pounds from quitting smoking last year. Now I have to work out before I get one o' them "dickidoos." :D
shgeo said:
The old bull raises up his head and looks at junior and says, "why don't we walk down and nail them all?"

Steve, I love that joke, and tell it to the young pups frequently.

My problem would be if I didn't write myself a Post-It, I might not remember what I walked all that way down the hill for in the first place!!! Then I'd get down there, confused, realize I'm tired, and want a nice nap! :eek:
Matt Shade said:
I hope being old just means you bitch more cause I've already got aches an pains! The way you guys talk I'm in big trouble!
I already look at todays kids and shake my head in disgust too! Oh God I'm almost an old fart! :eek:
Dayum Matt, sounds like your getting a touch of old fartitist :eek: :D
Dan, I think we worry unnecessarily more then our grandparents and the fact that we live in a rush, rush, rush type of lifestyle with less sleep and not enough time. The workplace place is putting much more demand on it's workers by cutting help and making us work more just to cover the cost of living these days. .................. "Let me go get a cup of coffee, I only slept three hours today" :D :D
Just got to be 55. a Heck of a lot longer than I thought I'd live. Heck, if I knew I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.