Post your Becker knives pics here

Tanker 1/66 Tanker 1/66 's bk5 in its infancy...


Sits on my nightstand next to my Para 45 and Surfire
What stone and grit did you use? Did you use a stone?


I use strictly DMT black, blue, red, green and gold stones. When it's sharp with the gold stone, I'll move onto my strops. Black compound first, green next, and I'll finish up with bare kangaroo leather.
Freehand is the only way I know how to sharpen...

I have bravos old molon labe Bk5 I can honestly say that it is stupid sharp. I mean sharp!!! Its sharp enough that you wouldn't even know you cut yourself untill you saw your own blood trail. Then you'd think were did all that blood come from. Oh Sh** thats mine lol
I have bravos old molon labe Bk5 I can honestly say that it is stupid sharp. I mean sharp!!! Its sharp enough that you wouldn't even know you cut yourself untill you saw your own blood trail. Then you'd think were did all that blood come from. Oh Sh** thats mine lol

I try and keep all of my blades that way. A sharp blade is a safe blade!