100+ knotting projects

A asemery - Great work putting this together! I'm horrible at knots, always wanted to get better at it.

What say 5 knots are the most important and useful for me to start?
A asemery - Great work putting this together! I'm horrible at knots, always wanted to get better at it.

What say 5 knots are the most important and useful for me to start?

Sorry for my delayed response. The list would depend on what you want to use the knots for.
As a general list you should include:
taut line hitch
gnat hitch
sheet bend
clove hitch
Happy knotting, Tony
Here is a short list I made for a man looking to teach his grandchildren basic knots
You can't go wrong in teaching youngsters how to tie, in no particular order
Bowline - Secure loop that will not stretch under strain
Water knot - join two ends of line
Gnat hitch - Tie line to fixed object
Taut line hitch - useful while camping