12" AK?

Nov 7, 2000
I've been considering a 12" AK as cure for some urgent need...
But seriously,Won't the handle be quite small on a 12"? My hands fit perfectly to the HI 15" BAS.

Get a grip as far back as you can on your BAS. If you can get a comfortable and usable grip on the BAS without touching the brass bolster, the 12" AK or Sirupati should do, but you may have to round and smooth some corners.

I doubt Uncle has any in stock, but if so, grab it. This is a cute, chubby, warm fuzzy friendly khuk. The kind to put on your belt and leave there til you forget you have it on. Get a Sisco leather scabbard, or make one yourself. It likes to be fondled. It would purr like a cat if khuks could purr.

Rusty,do you have commision on sold khuks or what? I almost ordered one emedeatly,my wallet is just so empty....I'll have to wait until next year before its full enough
I wish, Dan. But I do have the advantage that if I call Uncle before 2:30 PM our time today I can usually pick up the package by 8:30 AM tomorrow. If that is an advantage.

And of course I have to schedule my trips to Reno very carefully so that there isn't a hair thin chance to stop by the Cantina ( and warehouse ). I think I took home 3 khuks when I left last time.

But the 12" AK reminds me of running into the School District Superintendent down to Charlie's Liquors, and seeing him pull a chocolate lab puppy out of the bellows pocket of his huntin' jacket the day after Christmas. How could you possibly crush it's poor little heart by making it stay home?

( There - I hope you are ashamed of yourself for making that poor sweet darling baby AK sit on a cold shelf all alone and feeling unloved and unwanted, without a home or owner to belong to on Christmas morning! <very great big evil grin as I roll on the floor laughing my head off!> ) Just teasing.

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 12-20-2000).]
Bill, I know you will.

And Rusty,thank you, I feel much better...

Hello Sgt, I have a 12" AK and it is one of
my favorits, of coarse none of my knives are
going away from here while I still have anything to say about it. As to your question
about handle being to small, I am a fair sized guy and it fits me, and as Rusty says
it has the most ATTITUDE for a little Kuk
you will ever hold in your hand.

Custom Toys For Big Boys!
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Greetings from the GunMan
Thanks,GunMaker, I've alredy decided,my next khuk will be a 12" AK. Now it's just a matter of economy.

Daniel, I hope my teasing hasn't bothered you. Yvsa and I have been teasing each other and it sometimes gets a little overboard. I worked on a Paiute reservation for 5 years: that apparently affected my sense of humor. I remember telling Yvsa that just TZN shouldn't be a blood sport ( almost but not quite ) and he wrote back that he could see I really had spent time on the res.

Thanks for being a good sport about it. Rusty
If teasing wasn't a part of this forum it wouldn't be my favorite. I feel that if we were to be serious all the time, reality would be a really,really boring and unpersonal place.Just imagine this forum.Try to be 100% serious while discussing Khukris....... So Rusty and all fellow forumites, keep up the good work

Best Regards

Soooo Sarge Dan..... Does that mean the Swedes didn't wear underwear under their battle dress either?

Yvsa ( who finds leggings and a breech clout to drafty and cold this time of the year.
Yvsa, how do you think the fierce swedish warriors could roam the battlefield screaming in madness,killing every enemy in sight....? Try fighting in chainmail-pants without underwear...

Best regards
Yea Sarge Dan I can see where that would be a problem. Chain mail would pinch and Pull Hair at the same time. OUCH!!!

Us ndns didn't have to worry about the hair, but if we had of had some hair maybe them dayumed leggin's and breech clouts wouldn't be so drafty
and COLD!!!!

Rusty has a pic that shows how come them dayumed Scot's were so dayumed mean And Also Why everyone would run from them.
I know if some dayumed big ol' hairy guy was wearing a kilt and no underwear while swingin' an axe or sword and was coming at me I would run too!!!!


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

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Yes you guys way back when the Irish and Scots were Clans. They were Naked with War
Paint, Yes Yvsa War Paint, with a Metal
Collar only, this not only scared everyone
but it made them very hard to get a hold on.
They worked up to the Fight for Three Days
and Nights, and after the Party They would
Charge. Fact no Fiction, so they were very
good fighters, if we were that Cold we would
Hate everyone to. HA HA

Custom Toys For Big Boys!
Colt 45 Auto Customs
Greetings from the GunMan