1st Show

Feb 6, 2001
O.K. My first show is over and I guess I have to tell all. THAT WAS GREAT!!! I walked into this not sure of what to expect and more than a little nervous, but I've got to tell you I had a great time. The people were fantastic. I was told by everyone that it was very slow this weekend compared to others and I still sold THREE knives and several slings(another item I enjoy using and making)and got two knife orders. I not only covered my expenses, I made a profit!

I also can't say enough about the people that I was there with. Everyone was a great help. I got alot of great compliments on my work and I think I learned more this weekend than I have on my own in the past year. Since I've never had anyone to show me how to make knives(other than books)having established knife-makers tell me how much they liked my stuff and give me tips and ideas was like a dream come true.
I am now a member of the Keystone Blade Assoc. and will be attending as many meetings and possible to help further my knife education.

Thanks again to everyone for thier help and support, both from the show this weekend and all of you who have posted on the Forum pages. I've been invited to a few more shows so maybe I'll see you there.

Congratulations, J!

(Now, you're really hooked!)


Tom Anderson
Hand Crafted Knives
J., thanks for sharing your success. I'm gald to hear that you had such a postive experience. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Congratulations, J! Your enthusiasm is great, glad to hear you so pumped. A profit! That's great! Keep it up, and good luck in the future.

Outstanding J!!!

Take care!! Michael

Always think of your fellow knife makers as partners in the search for the perfect blade, not as people trying to compete with you and your work!
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms!!!
I'm glad you had such a good time at the show. Do you have any info on the keystone blade assoc.?
Sure do Joe. Good people. If you want e-mail me and I'll give you all the info I can.

e-mail address:mountainhollow@emcs.net

We did have fun at our first show. We got to meet some really nice people and learned a great deal. Got to put some faces with some names and got encouraging feedback from our peers. Thanks Keith. I still am left with 1 question.....What does the J. stand for?

Had a GREAT time
A real cut up one blade at a time!

One Riot, One Ranger
Hey, Eric! Watch out for this guy folks he does some beautiful work. Really hot folders.

Anyway, the J. stands for "James", but don't tell anybody. Aw, crap!

Thanks for the kind words. You also make really neat knives. Check your other thread for my reply. I roughed out 2 fixed blades today, just because I'm feeling INSPIRED. Check ya later!