20" chiruwa sirupati by Kesar


Apr 25, 2000
hope you got my order for the chiru siru earlier today. can't wait to try it out. anyways, Uncle Bill, i was just wondering about the general specs of this knife. for example: thickness of the spine, edge hardness, quality of the fit and finish, quality of the scabbard... etc...
thank you for your time Uncle Bill.


p.s. if anyone has experience with this blade, an evaluation would be invaluable to me. also, i used the search function to find info about the chiru siru, but couldn't find any,,, ANY info on this knife would be greatly appreciated.. again, i thank you for your time fellas.

[This message has been edited by charels (edited 01-12-2001).]
the 20" chiruwa sirupati I had was made by Sanu,1/2 thick and a bit over 2 pounds. I found the chiruwa style transmitted more shock to the hand in hard woods,not objectionably so,but noticable.tough khuk.you'll not break it.they're all different though so your sirupati may be lighter and may have less shock. I had a lot of fun splitting 8-9" alder rounds clean by "whipping" the sirupati around,without lifting it high,and hitting the edge if the round with the last 2-3" of the blade. the neighbors just stared!
My 20" Chiruwa Sirupati was made by Kumar. We initially had 6 takers for this specific blade and was a custom order. All of us were very surprised in the quality and woirkmanship of this Khukuri. Even though this specimen is heavier than my other 20" Sirupatis I reserved it for my combat Khukuri which stays on my LBE harness. At times, I also subsitute this 20 incher with my 18" Gelbu Special.
I'm getting goosebumps just waiting for this knife, and the good part is, I KNOW I won't be dissappointed... no doubts on quality when it comes to HI...

oh yes, Uncle Bill, I had a little question. Sher makes big and beefy blades, Kumar likes sleek and fast blades, what is the nature of Kesar's blades? thank you

For those who haven't already heard, there's a hilarious story bout Kumar's and Sher's styles.

Kumar and Sher are brothers. Kumar got hired on first. Before Christmas 1999, the kamis were working like crazy, and Uncle Bill wanted dozens of the little kagas katnes or paper cutters.

So Sher got hired to make the little toy gifts. Hundreds of them. And only the little ones. So they finally let him start making the real size khuks. One might say that Sher is still overcompensating for the way he got started with BirGorkha.
I hear that Sher may not be with us -- at least not all the time. He is back on the farm where as oldest son he has a vested interest as he stands to inherit the place. Same as Nara and Bura. Nara as oldest son got the ranch and Bura got an apartment at BirGorkha -- same as Kumar.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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