$200 to spend on a knife

Oct 24, 2002
Due to a two week vacation at work I am working more over time than I'd like. So I've decided to buy myself a gift. I have $200 to spend on a knife, what should I buy? A few facts:

In folders I prefer an all metal knife.

I'm not necessarily looking for an EDC. But I am open to the idea.

My current EDC is a Kershaw Leek. I am very happy with this knife. It has a nice feel, good shape and I love the assisted opening system.
The only thing I'd like is for it to be about 3/4" longer.

I'd like to avoid flashy blades that have no substance.

One I have considered is the CUDA Max Stiletto. It is completely impractical for me but those lines are lovely.

Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?

Add $25 for a small Sebenza in the after market you can find one at $225 in LNIB to NIB.

If you need a larger knife add $50 for the large Sebenza!

You will not be disappointed IMO, best production folder of all time, in fact one of the best knifes on the planet including custom knifes.

... for a couple of folders. If you want a couple of knives for the money, then Benchmade or Spyderco are the way to go. You can a couple of real ice folders from them.
I would order a BM943 and an Emerson LaGriffe. Oh, wait...I did that very thing three weeks ago. Love both of them!
for $200

i think that i'd look into getting a couple of good knives

you might want to look at:
benchmade - 710, 806, 94x
or spyderco - military (s30v version is out), and other spydercos

you can pick up 2, and maybe even 3 if you shop around
Can't go wrong with a Microtech LCC. I own two (one of them has a permanent home in my EDC rotation), and they are as close as I can get to a handmade folder. You won't be disappointed.
Spyderco Lum tanto with Titanium handles
Any Microtech non-auto
Benchmade Ares
Benchmade Axis AFCK
How about a couple Spydercos, like a stainless Police model and a stainless Delica? If you are looking to spend $200, you can buy both of those folders, AND a Spyderco 204 Sharpmaker to keep 'em razor sharp, and STILL have enough change left-over to buy lunch with.:).
I'd get a BM 710 and Becker BK7 Combat Utility.... and still have enough left over to go to Outback and have myself a nice big steak!!

there was just a good review on his knives in the reviews forum. Go to burkeknives.com and check him out. I think you will be surprised.

Don't you just love having extra money to play with! There are soooo many nice knives in the $200 range! Good luck! Paul
Originally posted by TDE
Don't you just love having extra money to play with! There are soooo many nice knives in the $200 range! Good luck! Paul

Paul, do you happen to have any knives for sale? :)

Buy a Greco Falcon for $129.00. This knife is virtually indestructible. I added a pocket clip to mine and it works great. I would bet this knife could hold it's own against most high end customs.
The LCC really is alot of knife for your buck. Heft one and you won't be dissapointed.
Wait for the Camillus Robo-Dominator to come out. All steel, assisted opening, S30V steel, and in your price range. That should do it. :)

Originally posted by sharpstick
Buy a Greco Falcon for $129.00. This knife is virtually indestructible. I added a pocket clip to mine and it works great. I would bet this knife could hold it's own against most high end customs.

Can you shoot me an e-mail on how you added the clip?? I have a Griffen with the optional Scales on it and would love to have a clip as well. (Sorry to highjack)
OK, $200 is right around where you can afford a really decent knife, true, you could get a few cheaper knives, but since i prefer quality over quantity, i suggest you get something nice, its more satisfying in the long run, and when or if you ever decide to sell, youll get a decent amount back, generally not so with cheaper knives.

So, let's see, youre looking for a folder. As was mentioned, the Microtech LCC is probably the most knife youll get for your $200, incredibly well made, strong knife, and a double action, bolster release auto to boot. $200 including shipping right now. The knife is a bargain at $300. I have heard its being discontinued, dont know for sure if thats true, if it is, all the more reason to grab one.

I will also second the idea to add a few bucks to your budget and get a Sebenza, you say you prefer substance over flash, well, thats the Sebenza! Might not have a flashy look, but holy crap is it a nice knife, so well made, so precisely fitted, its uncanny. And STRONG. As was said, you might find a NIB one for about $250 in the for sale forums if you keep a sharp lookout.

I think Spyderco makes a good knife for the money, a carbon fiber Police is a nice BIG folder for only about $110. Benchmade is making better knives than they did in the past, i have seen some nice designs and reasonably priced, i like their new Axis lock autos, and the last few Benchmades i have examined were pretty well made, not Microtech quality, but still quite good and of course cheaper.

Or, you can get a crate of Frost Cutlery knives for about a dollar a knife and throw them out after each use, which works out well since after opening your mail, the blade will be dull and chipped. :) If you think a buck a knife sounds amazing, well, it is, since they retail for like $300, but if you act now, and somehow call in before all the dealers do...:D