2006: A HogWallow Of Khuk Love?

Mar 22, 2002
Sorry. I just liked the way it sounded.
But it's true. New models and varients are coming in fast, long sought changes in the product line implemented, and Yangdu is steering the ship forward. What more could you ask for? Bill and Rusty have left us and we are starting a new year. We live in the land of the mostly kinda sorta free, brave, milk and honey, and have access to old world craftsmanship in the form of khukuris. I can own a kukri, pounded out on a dirt floor amidst sweat and smoke, sitting on a desk next to several Computer generated machinations. Side by side, old and new.

Maybe we'll have a good year. Maybe only 'good will come of this' (Yangdu says) Let's have a good year, let's have good come of this. What a time to be alive. Iraq is voting. Walmart bloating. Pop music is terrible but modern rock is still OK. Sign me up for another year. What the hey. You know I want to see what happens next. And the khuks. Those wonderful talking chopping blades that speak to the hand and heart are just getting better and better here.

Same old thread by me. A hogwallow of Khuk love.

Hi Munk:

May I ask what kukris sold by HI are the same designs or standard shapes and styles as made in times gone by and which are modern non standard varients?

Thanks, Steve
Oh, for Goodness Sakes!! Norm; where are you? I can't keep track of this stuff; well;

we got the light Foxy Folly, the 24 ouncer
the Jange
the Sher Attitude
The AK Cleaver
Uncle Bill's dream, the Salyan, finally came in, as well as a Yangu Special.
We got to actually see a full sized 18" Bura New Model.
The 15" Pen arrived.
The edge is now much closer to the convex desired by so many, and the traditional bolster has returned. There's more.

I asked Yangdu about the Hanshee. "They like those real curved ones," I told her. I think we'll see some. I get tired of people trying to buy my Kumar horn handled hanshee out of my hands. It's curved.

In a hundred years our great grandchildren will cry, "Just one more Movie Model, that's all I would have asked!"

It will be a good year! Except for my bank account!:o Just when I think I have one each of all the HI products that catch my eye. There come new models that I just Have to get.:rolleyes: Ahhh what a joy. HeHe
I'm with you Munk! Let's MAKE this a good year--funny when I first typed that it came out "god year".

Full speed ahead:thumbup:
I think we have to put some effort in. That's right. We do our part and make it a good year.

I think we have to put some effort in. That's right. We do our part and make it a good year.

The idea that there is a devine plan, or even a devine is new to me, but has stuck fast and isn't leaving. The delicate interplay between this and our role in life is a mystery to me and maybe always will be. I have noticed though that when I trust that things will be taken care of they have been.

Isn't life fascinating?!:)
Yangdu told me, "Nothing but good will come of this". And Rob? I believed her. I can see so many paths where trouble lurks, rocks in the stream, real sinkholes. And the place has taken a few hits and suffered casualties. But I believed her.

So I've decided even my preinclination to get to the bottom of things and screw it all up will not be enough to jam the steamboat on a sandbar. I'll plug along. We'll plug along. Maybe Magic will happen some more.

Thomas, the benefits of your service to this place just keep mounting. Counselor, peacemaker, historian: you've earned a complimentary can of Cheese Whizz.
I hear the Sher Attitude's are coming, Kumar's returning, and they've found another Kami to help.

munk said:
Thomas, the benefits of your service to this place just keep mounting. Counselor, peacemaker, historian: you've earned a complimentary can of Cheese Whizz.
I hear the Sher Attitude's are coming, Kumar's returning, and they've found another Kami to help.


Forget the Cheeze Whizz. Kumar is returning? He's recovering?

I like your idea Munk. I may try wallowing in my Khuks today. Watch the newspapers for a man who was shreded by his own knives!
A HogWallow Of Khuk Love?

Somehow the title slipped past me on the first go round:D :thumbup: I blame it on my Arkansas(and formerly Oklahoma) in-laws that were staying with me recently;) It just sounded normal after that visit:D (ducking the smack on the back of the head from my Oklahoma Edutsi as we speak;) )
I'm on a tight budget (no paycheque) and can only sound off without talking with my wallet, but I think it would neat if there was a 'rare item of the month'.

Once a month on the forum Yangdu could offer maybe three of a rare model, like the HI Kenpo khuk/smatchet, the Bob White Bolo, Sher Attitude, falcata, etc. This would also be good 'event' to unveil new models with - because the first production run for any hand-made knife qualifies as rare, right? ;)

I would love to see a Kopesh:


Yes. I talked to Yangdu. It looks like he'll make it back though won't be near full health for much time to come. It was pretty dire. People die often of liver complications and the reports Yangdu had when he became ill were not good. I thought he was lost. Call it a miracle, call it not his time, call it can't keep a good Kami down, (and he's just a kid) but this seems to be going the right direction.

Is there anything we can do? Other than buy the hell out of his blades and demanad more and more, I mean.