2006 blade stamp

Aug 31, 2003
Has this already been asked ? just wondered what the blade stamp for 2006 is going to look like

No, but I am interested too.
Probably a Ying Yang symbol from China. It just frosts my muffins...no matter what the reason, I think it's messed up. My company just laid off a group of peeps and moved their jobs to India.
Was gonna buy about half a dozen of the 728 for Christmas presents until I saw the "Made in China" gig on the sticker. Instead I got the intended receipients a bottle of wine.
I would pay more for a USA but I guess the general market doesn't care and Buck sold out to the "Global Economy" crap.
howdy mfinden,
well i realy kind of agree with you in that i hate to see it BUT
have you looked at the price of what they have to compete with???!??!
i would rather they contract out over seas some cheep stuff then get bought out for the name and ALL the work go overseas with NO USA bucks any more at all!!! many of the younger adults dont have share the desire for USA many of us do. and certently the rest of the world a few $ makes the diff of sale or no sale... You should SEE what the rest of the world has to pay for a USA buck knife!!

if i am going to have a lender or looseing or throw away in a tackel box and loose box and all i would rather loose a china one...! besides i have had enugh USA using bucks go 'walking'... you dont barrow my usa buck or my 'vett/ harly / snap on/dewalt/ wife or dog / or the knives i make,
sorry but you have to go get your own,

as long as i can i will buy USA bucks but no mater how i feel of the non usa ones>>>> fact is fact, it is out sorce some times or die trying...

beside i was given a china buck :o -hummm it was not bad at all in fact better then i thought... still like USA better my self but so it goes
they are my fav knife and i will suport them even tho i may dissagree some times ...
note they DO lissen and do read this forum even the pres of the company will respone to you question here :eek:
how many other american icon / hall mark companies will do that ?
ans >>> zip nada o = none i know of for sure!
nuf said
...I couldn't have said it better Dave...I agree wholeheartedly my friend. It is a new world we have out there mfinden, I don't have to like it but I do have to live in it. Buck is doing all it can do make all they can in the USA. I'd rather toss a China Buck in the toolbox than not be able to buy a USA made Buck to carry on my belt or in my pocket.
Well...I do admit that it is reality. But the China Syndrome with Buck...I guess it was just a surprise to learn what I thought would be a hold out actually sell out.
Your perspectives are appreciated and I will be the first to admit that it is a valid one. At least we still have the opp to purchase the Idaho goods. They could've folded (imagine the e-bay frenzy then!) or moved it all "best shore".
I appreciate the Yoda wisdom (sincerely).
Kind Regards,
mfinden said:
Well...I do admit that it is reality....Your perspectives are appreciated and I will be the first to admit that it is a valid one....I appreciate the Yoda wisdom (sincerely).
Kind Regards,
as i think i once heard in a codie haze ...
none is wiser then he who can lissen , understand and change his thoughts and not be angry at what is... to do other wise is to expend his engery uselessly.
in highest reguards
your friend dave
2003 - T standing up
2004 - T inverted
2005 - T laying on its Left side (offshore)
2005 - Idaho (USA )
2006 - T laying on its right side
LFH said:
2003 - T standing up
2004 - T inverted
2005 - T laying on its Left side (offshore)
2005 - Idaho (USA )
2006 - T laying on its right side

Thanks guys and thanks for getting this thread back on topic , cant work out where the China thing came into it ;)

I Have bought a couple of little Bucks that had the left sided "T" with no USA markings. Do the also sell the same model with the Idaho stamp?
There might be a few Buck models that that were both produced in the U.S. as well as offshore in 2005, but the Buck experts would have to chime in and tell us which models. Then again, there might be a total separation, that is, if a specific model is produced in the U.S., Buck isn't also manufacturing or assembling that model anywhere overseas.

However, generally, if the "T" stamp is laying on its left side, it was produced in 2005, but it wasn't manufactured or assembled in the U.S.


P.S. I guess that Buck is going to be finished with using a "T" date stamp, in 2007, unless they start using 'leaning Ts'.... ;)
Porkchop3223 said:
I Have bought a couple of little Bucks that had the left sided "T" with no USA markings. Do the also sell the same model with the Idaho stamp?

A left sided T that doesn't say USA..... Does it say China? on any of the blades?

I recently sent in a few knives for warranty/repair. One was a USA black handeled 303. When they came back, there was a note that it couldn't be repaired and was replaced. Note also said not available in black so replaced with wood.

So the new 303 is an upsidedown T (2004) with Buck and the model/year code on the main clip blade, and China stamped on the sheepfoot blade.

So, as a side thought, if you send any in for warranty stuff, and they cant repair it. You could get back a china version. I did. But its a purty thing, and super sharp, all 3 blades.
Did I miss something, is Buck not going to make the black handled 303 anymore?

After reading LFH's note about Buck not being able to replace the black handled version, I looked at the Buck website, and both the Cadet and Stockman said they were Out of Stock.

Are they just temporarily out, or did they stop making them?
Not being a collector but more of a user of knives, I have always been impressed by the quality and craftsmenship of Buck knives. From the very first Buck cadet, which I now know was made by Schade with the very poor design of the "keyhole" to the Callimus version, to the present version (as of 1997), I have never had a problem. My problem was losing them, the steel was always good. I must say that my present knife as steel that is the best in any knife or cutting tool I have every owned. I do a lot of whittling of small figures, toys, craft rooster, etc. and this knife never needs sharpening, just a few passes on the leather strop to bring it up to shaving sharp.

Even though the 303 Cadet seems to be a prefect size and shape for my uses, I am aways looking to new. I do have a 310 Buck Whittlier, which was the size of the Cadet and not the Companion would be perfect for my uses. So can one order directly from the catalog? I is also nice to hear that the series 300, black handled pocket knives still will be made in the good old U.S of A.
buck cadet,

Generaly, Buck Catalogs are not available to the public. The other side is that ALL members of the Buck Collector's Club receive a catalog and a MSRP price list every year (and catalogs from previous years are available athe BCCI web site). While Buck does not take catalog orders, any dealer (including one of the more informative, regular posters in this forum who offers very nice discounts) can order any knife out of the current catalog, as long as it is available. The standard knives can be had through the year, while the Limited Editions and Specials usually sell out fairly quick.

Another advantage of being a member of the BCCI is that there have been times when a little advance notice of "specials" can be the difference between having one, and wishing you did....