3 Chitlangis for 2/8/3 -- Pix and steals.

Mar 5, 1999
Top -- Beautiful work by Kumar. 21.5" 2 pound Chitlangi. Can't find anything to complain about. Nobody make better handles than Sher and Kumar and that shows on this Chitlangi. Everything perfect, including Chitlangi style scabbard. Steal this one for $95. UBBB

Center -- Whether by accident or design I can't say but this is a hybrid AK Chiruwa. Bottom fuller is not there. But, excellent work by whiz kid, Shanker. He has learned a lot from Sher and if this blade didn't carry his mark I'd guess that it was make by Sher -- same fine handle. 21.5 inches and 35 ounces of fine work. Another steal at $95 and another UBBB.

bottom -- 18.5 inch and pound and a half excellent Chitlangi by Kumar. Excellent effort. Beautiful handle and fine blade. Chitlangi style scabbard by village sarki in new leather. Can't beat this offering at $75. Another UBBB for the weekend faithful.

Call or email.


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a nice one thanks bill this will start my collection of again nicely.:)
i have a cobra by bura.
and the yvsa special.
the yvsa special has become my favourite as it broke twice and had to be repaired and reshaped quite extensively. it is now an unusual khukri that i will never get rid off,i will post a pic of it as soon as i take a pic i think you will like it it is so unusual.
and for those who may be wonderin yes uncle bill offered to replace it but i thanked him and declined cos i luv it so much.:)
Shankar's interpretation looks like a fighter - long, slim, a bit heavier than normal, but lots faster than a 20" AK. Wonder how it balances, and compares to a sirupati.

When the kamis make what they want, amazing stuff comes out.
These AK-hybrids are intrigueing...This one looks like it could do some serious work.

AK-M43, AK-chitlangi/chainpuri or whatever, what's next?

Maybe this is a "training project" because he's not made chitlangis before?

I'm tempted, but I just got an AK by Shanker. It's nicely done, but haven't given it any hard testing yet. Only real complaint would be that I'm pretty much having to put on the edge. It was about as sharp as a butter knife. But the little diamond hone I have seems to be getting things fixed right up.
Shanker has something in mind when he made this blade but I'm not sure what. It's a half inch thick coming out of the bolster and it's a more rugged knife, heavier, thicker than the Chitlangi. And, he's done a hell of a job with it. When somebody takes it I don't think I'll see it again.
I got to excited. I'm interested in the whiz kids hybred. The 2nd pictured for 2/8/3. Thanks Uncle Bill. Email sent
Originally posted by Bill Martino
[Call or email. [/B]

Oops, forgot the copy/paste rules. :)

1 - Full Name
2 - Payment method
3 - Shipping Address
4 - Knife wanted

The first one to get all 4 right, gets it!
I had everything right in the email. Just was in a rush when replying to the board. This is only the second time I placed a order on the board. I usualy only get on in the middle of the night and was suprised to see a specail still available. Guess between drooling and shaking I forgot to use the proper response. Again I apoligize.
Originally posted by mattjerom
I had everything right in the email. Just was in a rush when replying to the board. This is only the second time I placed a order on the board. I usualy only get on in the middle of the night and was suprised to see a specail still available. Guess between drooling and shaking I forgot to use the proper response. Again I apoligize.

No need to apoligize. I was just foolin around with Uncle.:)

People I like, I tease, sometimes.
Guess between drooling and shaking I forgot to use the proper response. Again I apoligize. [/B]

I've done the same. Maybe send in a quick message to get "the foot in the door" followed by another with all the details.

Dunno. My name is Monkeyman. :(
@#$%! Buried in work for two days and miss some great looking khuks. I was especially interested in the Kumar M-43(i) to see how it compares with Sher's. I sort of like the "anything you can do, I can do better" rivalry between those two since it makes for some interesting blades.

So Bill, when is one of them going to make a Malla(i)?
