3 contests running back to back

Apr 23, 2007
That's right folks. We have 3 running simultaneously. I wanted to try something a little different with the main one for the HTM m390 Gunny giveaway. You might not have noticed, but it's a lot shorter than the previous contests. It's only 4 weeks. Unless my memory fails me so terribly, I'm pretty sure I let the other contests run closer to 6 - 8 weeks. Anyway, hopefully this will urge more folks into entering. The other two contests don't have a stop date because of the nature of them being logo design contests. Darrel's not gonna pick a logo if he doesn't like it, so those contests are running indefinitely until something speaks to him. The prize for those will be sweet titanium Pinkerton neckers of Dirk's choosing.
First, Thank you and Men behind all these contests / giveaways. They are fun to read once people post responses.

When I have some daylight I will be snapping a pic for the m390 contest. Not necessarily to go up against my bud, Mtn. Wld., but just to add some photos to a thread that deserves some.

Good luck to all.
First, Thank you and Men behind all these contests / giveaways. They are fun to read once people post responses.

When I have some daylight I will be snapping a pic for the m390 contest. Not necessarily to go up against my bud, Mtn. Wld., but just to add some photos to a thread that deserves some.

Good luck to all.
Ya never know. You might just win.
Oh hell yes. Logo design contests? This is right up my alley - I'm definitely going to submit some designs!

I've already been a benefactor of HTM's generosity, so I'm not in it to get another knife. I would, however, like to submit multiple entries just because logo and print design happens to be my passion, and I'd love to help spread the word about DDR/HTM. Can you check and see if that's possible, Hark?
No one says you can't win a contest if you already won a contest in the past. The likelihood if that happening is probably very slim, but if it happens, it happens.

I'll amend the rules then for the design contest so people can submit as many as possible. I suppose now that I think about it more, it does make sense not to limit the entries to one for the contest considering it will run indefinitely til Darrel finds a design that jives with him.
...it does make sense not to limit the entries to one for the contest considering it will run indefinitely til Darrel finds a design that jives with him.

That was gonna be my other point. Experience has taught me that logo design isn't a sniper rifle - it's a fully-automatic shotgun fired outside the principal kill-range, and your target is a nickle turned sideways. You've gotta keep trying until something jumps at you.

This is gonna be fun!