Originally posted by T. Erdelyi
Ain't you playin' with the passaround Sebenza you won yet?
I wish. I'm at work today, and I just got off the phone with my wife who said the attempted delivery slip was in the mailbox. Looks like I have something to look forward to tomorrow.
Sad thing is, I'm actually trying to figure out which of my knives I want to sell along with it to be able to afford a nice woodie or unique graphic.

You see, I use my knives, and only buy what I will carry. As a lot of you know, I recently bought several Benchmades this month, and I'm getting tired of trying to figure out which one I'm going to carry along with my 806D2. I want a knife that is as aesthetically pleasing to look at as it is quality built. I really like the looks of my Benchmades, and love carrying them, but I can only carry so many knives at one time without feeling like overkill. As I speak, I have my 921, 806, and Chive in my pockets. The only thing the chive has seen today is lint. I have used the 921 a few times, but mostly played with it because I absolutely love the Axis lock. The 806 has also come out to play a time or two, but not to be used. Oh well, decisions, decisions. I guess for the time being, I'll carry the Sebbie to decide if I want a large, or a small sebbie. Since I have a large 806D2 which will always be with me, I'm beginning to think the Small classic I tried last month fit my hand a bit better than the large. Now that I will have as long as needed to get to know the large classic, I can really decide if I want to stick with it. I just may keep it, and let it become my beater knife, since that is what it was made for.

It will definitely be easy to use since it already has character marks, and isn't brand new.
I'll keep everybody updated as to what I decide to do with it. Heck, don't be surprised if it becomes a passaround piece on an occasion or two.