$300 to $400 to spend at ECCKS, do I go or should I stay home and save till next year

Feb 3, 2001
Your goin' to The East Coast Custom Knife Show, you got $300 to $400 to spend, what do you get, or do you just look at the knives and go home dreamin'?

I'd like to get a custom folder, but a nice fixed blade isn't out of the question.
I strongly recommend that you go now. Chances are you will see some great knives that you can afford. If you look carefully, you might find two. Also, most knife makers that I have met are very nice, and would be willing to talk to you even you cannot afford what they have for sale. Get what you can afford this year and save your butt off for next year because after the show, I'm sure you'll see something really cool that you can't afford now.
What sort of stuff are you looking for? You could get a nice fixed blade or a pretty nice folder, but knives with high end (read: expensive) materials may be out of your price range.
Get to the show. You'll have a great time and see some of the best makers out there and meet many of the guys you run into on the forums. You'll be amazed at how friendly and informative the most "esteemded" makers are and how willing they are to chat with you.

It's a really good overall experience. Within your price range you will find something that you will want to bring home. (in the knife arena, hopefully:eek: )

Normally, the regulars from the area hang out at the tables outside the show arena--look forward to seeing you.:)
Servus T.,

Dude, go. The show's a great trip. :cool: Nothing like getting a chance to handle before you buy.

See you there. Alan
Definetly go. Last show I went with about $300 in my pocket, with no inetention of spending it(was supposed to pay my insurance bill!), but ended up spending almost all of it. I am going again, and will not have any money to spend, I will barely be able to pay the entry fee. I feel it is worth it just to look and see what my next purchase will be.
Go, you'll enjoy the show and you might find something that you really love and can afford. If not, then you will have some money for next year; or until you see a knife that you want before next years show. Could happen you know.
I'm goin', I'm goin', I'll be there Saturday instead of Sunday.

I've been to the ECCKS show before, and I met some nice people, I met Bud Nealy, AG Russell, and many others.

As far as what I'm looking for Steve, traditional folders, maybe a fixed blade by E. Chavar or maybe another Nealy, I'd like to see some of C. Marlowes stuff but I believe he wont be there.

I know I'll leave with something, besides a sh*t eating grin:D .
Definitely go. Not only will you see a rich collection of blades from some of the top makers around, you will find a wealth of information. If you plan to buy a custom, even have one made to your specs, it is a good thing to meet the maker so to speak. Additionally, this is the time of year where factory collaboration models are popping up all over. Makers such as Pat Crawford, Bud Nealy, Bob Dozier (come by to say hello!), Tom Anderson, and others will have such blades available at their tables. See you all there.

And take a camera! I want to see some pictures of this show. All you guys get to talk about the great knife shows around your area, and all I get around here is the occasional gun show. I must live vicariously through you all. :)

Have fun, and good hunting -- that's almost the best part.
Originally posted by T. Erdelyi
As far as what I'm looking for Steve, traditional folders, maybe a fixed blade by E. Chavar or maybe another Nealy, I'd like to see some of C. Marlowes stuff but I believe he wont be there.

Well, I don't know anything about E. Chavar, but a Nealy would be in your price range no problem.
You definitely need to go! Rumor has it that R.J. Martin will be there with some new, cool stuff. ;) :)
I think John W. Smith will be there so you need to check out some of his tac folders and some of the linerlocks he does.....SWEET!
Can you get deals at this show? I know people who buy floor models at the boat show for very good prices. Do these dealers usually want to travel home empty, thus willing to sell everything they have?