303 Cadet Cracked Ice

Jul 17, 2000
Was in Walmart today and saw a nice 303 Cadet? with white cracked ice handles. Price, approx. $25.00. Has anyone purchased one of these yet? What are the handles made of(Joe can you help here?). Is this a special run to Walmart. Thanks
The 303 you saw is actually made with a Poly-Pearl handle and yes, it is an exclusive to Wal Mart. $25 is about right. I remember last year my local store had some, some others did not and I picked a few up for some other forumites. - Nice little pocket knife - typical Buck, razor sharp and good looking.
I have a generic Cadet and the Walmart model fills the same roles as the original and looks great to boot. At 25 bucks, I don't know if you can go wrong.
Thanks fot the info, think I'll look closer next time there. It may just need to find a new home.
Last week I was in a local Walmart looking at the knives (duh)....I saw this cool looking "Poly" Pearl handle Cadet for $24.96 so I told the clerk I wanted a look. He pulled out one in a yellow and black box. While I was checking the date mark -- which was a 303 T (for 2003) -- he pulls out another one in the new style box, when I checked that one it had the new Anvil (but NO 303) under the BUCK name, also for 2003? WELL...

I added TWO Cadets to my collection.;)

I might add, these are the nicest looking Cadets I've seen yet and I REALLY like the new ANVIL, but I'm also curious about how this new marking system will evolve, especially since the MODEL NUMBERS are missing??

HEY JOE. Can you shed some light?

Thanks Walmart & Buck !!

The "ANVIL" was used for 2002 instead of the "square U" to commemorate the 100 Year Anniversary. The rest of the proposed year codes are suppose to remain the same. This year is a "T" as you know, 2004 should be an inverted "T." Also for 2002 the Model Numbers were not stamped on the tang, but again, this was resumed for the 2003 knives.

BTW - the Yellow box, with Buck Knives in sort of a watermark pattern in Black ink is the new style box for 2003.

Hope this helps!!! :)
Thanks for the info. I find it kinda disappointing that the Anvil will not be used from now on. It's a very nice touch.

I guess Walmart have had these "pearl" handled Cadets since last year. I'm surprised I never noticed them before. Glad I was able to purchase two different model years.

I enjoy reading your knowledgeable posts here in the Forum. Keep up the good work.

Thanks again,
Got mine on Sat. Nice little slip joint. They had 3, of which none had the anvil. I like the anvil also, I think it dressses the knife up. Overall nice size decent walk and talk, good fit/finish, (For an inexpensive knife). and I love these poly-pearl scales. Wish other companies would catch on to these.